subroutine out(j_dim,l_dim,j_max,l_max,c_x,c_y,x,y,t,n,u) c Performs output. Writes to Fortran unit 1. c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input variables: c Dimensioned mesh sizes in the x- and y-directions: integer j_dim,l_dim c Actual mesh sizes in the x- and y-directions: integer j_max,l_max c Components of the convection velocity in the x and y directions: double precision c_x,c_y c Coordinates x and y double precision x(0:j_dim),y(0:l_dim) c Time t: double precision t c Time step index: integer n c The values of the dependent variable: double precision u(0:j_dim,0:l_dim) c Local variables: c Error in the computed solution, and its maximum and RMS values: double precision err,errmax,errrms c Indices in the x- and y-directions: integer j,l c Increments in these indices: integer j_inc,l_inc c An exact solution of the equation, used to test the method: double precision u_exa external u_exa c Constants, defined to simplify changing precision: double precision zero parameter (zero=0.d0) c Executable statements: c Write a header in the output file: write(1,100)t,n 100 format(/'t =',g13.5,' n =',i5) c Compute the maximum and root mean square errors: errmax=zero errrms=zero do 300 j=1,j_max do 200 l=1,l_max err=abs(u(j,l)-u_exa(x(j),y(l),t,c_x,c_y)) if( errrms=errrms+err**2 200 continue 300 continue errrms=sqrt(errrms/j_max/l_max) write(1,310)errmax,errrms 310 format('Maximum error:',g10.2,' RMS error:',g10.2) print320,t,errmax,errrms 320 format(' t =',g11.3, & ' Maximum error:',g10.2,' RMS error:',g10.2) c Write abbreviated mesh point values j_inc=max(1,(j_max+7)/8) l_inc=max(1,(l_max+7)/8) write(1,380)(j,j=0,j_max,j_inc) 380 format('Selected mesh point u-values:'/' l\\j:',9i8) do 400 l=0,l_max,l_inc write(1,390)l,(u(j,l),j=0,j_max,j_inc) 390 format(i4,' ',9f8.4) 400 continue return end