program adiprc c General information: c Program adiprc solves the two-dimensional convection equation: c c du/dt + c_x du/dx + c_y du/dy =0 c for c 0 <= x <= x_max 0 <= y <= y_max 0 <= t <= t_max. c For simplicity it is assumed that the convection velocity c components c_x and c_y are positive, so that the boundary c conditions apply at x = 0 and at y = 0. Reverse x or y to c handle negative c_x or c_y. c Program adiprc reads its parameters from an input file c "". See the comments in that file for the required c input parameters. c Program adiprc produces the output file "adiprcon.out". Any c existing file of that name will be deleted. c In the present implementation, program adiprc requires an exact c solution; c double precision function u_exa(x,y,t,c_x,c_y), c to give it its initial and boundary conditions. The numerical c errors are then determined by comparing the computed solution c to this exact solution. c Program adiprc also requires subroutines: c in.f: for reading the input file c out.f: for doing output c tridia.f: for solving tridiagonal systems of equations c openw.f: for opening files for writing c Compile as: c g77 -o adiprcon adiprcon.f u_exa.f openw.f tridia.f out.f in.f c Numerical scheme: c Program adiprc uses the two-stage Peaceman-Rachford ADI method, c which advances the solution over a time step by means of two half c time steps: c c (1/(dt/2) + c_x d/dx) u-tilde = (1/(dt/2) - c_y d/dy) u^n c (1/(dt/2) + c_y d/dy) u^n+1 = (1/(dt/2) - c_x d/dx) u-tilde c c where u^n is the dependent variable u at the last known time, c u^n+1 is the dependent variable at the next time to be computed; c dt is the numerical time step; u-tilde a purely computational c "unknown at the middle of the time step", and the derivatives d/dx c and d/dy are evaluated using standard second order central c differences. This method is second order accurate in space and c time and unconditionally stable. c A boundary condition for u-tilde at x=0 can be obtained by c substracting the two Peaceman-Rachford formulae from each other, c to give: c c 2 u-tilde = (1 - 0.5 dt c_y d/dy) u^n + (1 + 0.5 dt c_y d/dy) u^n+1 c c where u^n and u^n+1 should be known at x=0 from the given boundary c condition there. (In this program, they are obtained from u_exa.) c Because of the central differencing, the scheme requires c artificial boundary conditions at x = x_max and at y = y_max. c At these boundaries, linear extrapolation from the interior c is used. c Program variables: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Components of the convection velocity in the x and y directions: double precision c_x,c_y c Index in the x-direction with its maximum and dimensioned value: integer j,j_max,j_dim parameter (j_dim=128) c Index in the y-direction with its maximum and dimensioned value: integer l,l_max,l_dim parameter (l_dim=128) c Coordinates x and y and their limits: double precision x(0:j_dim),y(0:l_dim),x_max,y_max c Time t: double precision t c Time step number and its maximum value: integer n,n_max c Spatial mesh size in the x direction: double precision dx c Spatial mesh size in the y direction: double precision dy c The time step: double precision dt c The largest of the two Courant numbers c_x dt / dx and c_y dt / dy: double precision courmx c The values of the dependent variable for the last computed time: double precision u(0:j_dim,0:l_dim) c The intermediate unknowns u-tilde in the ADI method: double precision utilde(0:j_dim,0:l_dim) c The left (x=0) boundary values of u at the next time t^(n+1): double precision uleft(0:l_dim) c Storage for the tridiagonal equations to be solved: c Maximum tridiagonal system size (must be the maximum of j_dim and l_dim): integer td_dim parameter (td_dim=j_dim+l_dim) c The three nonzero matrix diagonals (the coefficients of the unknowns): double precision diags(3,0:td_dim) c The right hand sides of the equations: double precision b(0:td_dim) c The values of the unknowns as found by tridia: double precision sol(0:td_dim) c Number of nonzero output times: integer no_out c First nonzero output time: double precision t_out1 c Corresponding time step index: integer n_out1 c Whether an old output file exists: logical exists c An exact solution of the equation, used to test the method: double precision u_exa external u_exa c Constants, defined to simplify changing precision: double precision zero,one,two,o2 parameter (zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,o2=0.5d0) c Executable statements: c Open the output file: call openw(1,'adiprcon.out') c Initialize the variables: c Read the input file: call in(j_dim,l_dim,td_dim, & j_max,l_max,c_x,c_y,x_max,y_max,courmx,no_out,t_out1) c The mesh-size in the x-direction: dx=x_max/j_max c The mesh-size in the y-direction: dy=y_max/l_max c The time step: dt=min(courmx*dx/c_x,courmx*dy/c_y) c The time step index of the first nonzero output time: n_out1=nint(t_out1/dt) write(1,300)n_out1 300 format('The time step of the first nonzero output time:',i4) if( print310 write(1,310) 310 format('*** WARNING: The output times are spaced too closely;', & ' output will be done '/' every step instead.') n_out1=1 endif c The maximum time step index: n_max=no_out*n_out1 c Initialize the time index: n=0 c Initialize the time: t=zero c Set the initial data from the exact solution: do 500 j=0,j_max x(j)=(j+zero)/j_max*x_max do 490 l=0,l_max y(l)=(l+zero)/l_max*y_max u(j,l)=u_exa(x(j),y(l),t,c_x,c_y) 490 continue 500 continue c Output the initial data: call out(j_dim,l_dim,j_max,l_max,c_x,c_y,x,y,t,n,u) c Compute the solution at times greater than zero: do 5000 n=0,n_max-1 c The time t^(n+1) being computed: t=(n+1)*dt c Store the left boundary condition at n+1, taken from u_exa, first: do 2100 l=0,l_max uleft(l)=u_exa(x(0),y(l),t,c_x,c_y) 2100 continue c Compute the intermediate unknowns u-tilde in the PR method c for each horizontal line l=constant in turn: do 3000 l=1,l_max-1 c Put the coefficients of the boundary condition at x=0 (j=0), c 2 u-tilde c = (1 - 0.5 dt c_y d/dy) u^n + (1 + 0.5 dt c_y d/dy) u^n+1 c in the array diags, and the right hand side in array b: c Zero the coefficient of the nonexisisting unknown at j=-1: diags(1,0)=zero c The coefficient of unknown u-tilde_0 itself, as above: diags(2,0)=two c The coefficient of u-tilde_1, which is not there: diags(3,0)=zero c The right hand side: b(0)=u(0,l)-o2*dt*c_y/(two*dy)*(u(0,l+1)-u(0,l-1)) & +uleft(l)+o2*dt*c_y/(two*dy)*(uleft(l+1)-uleft(l-1)) c Put the coefficients of the finite difference equation, c (1/(dt/2) + c_x d/dx) u-tilde = (1/(dt/2) - c_y d/dy) u^n c in the array diags, and the right hand side in array b: do 2500 j=1,j_max-1 c The coefficient of u-tilde_(j-1): diags(1,j)=-c_x/(two*dx) c The coefficient of u-tilde_j: diags(2,j)=two/dt c The coefficient of u-tilde_(j+1): diags(3,j)=c_x/(two*dx) c The right hand side: b(j)=two/dt*u(j,l)-c_y/(two*dy)*(u(j,l+1)-u(j,l-1)) 2500 continue c We do not have a boundary condition at x_max, so we c make one up: we approximate u-tilde_(j_max) by linear c extrapolation from u-tilde_(j_max-1) and u-tilde_(j_max-2): c c u-tilde_(j_max) = 2 u-tilde_(j_max-1) - u-tilde_(j_max-2) c c This produces the equation: c c 1 u-tilde_(j_max-2) -2 u-tilde_(j_max-1) + 1 u-tilde_(j_max) = 0 c c Unfortunately, there is no way to accomodate the coefficient c 1 of u-tilde_(j_max-2) in diags. To fix this up, we c can substract a multiple of the second-last equation, c c diags(1,j_max-1) u-tilde_(j_max-2) c + diags(2,j_max-1) u-tilde_(j_max-1) c + diags(3,j_max-1) u-tilde_(j_max) c = b(j_max-1) c c Clearly, the multiple to substract to eliminate the 1 is c 1/diags(1,j_max-1). That gives the combined equation: c c 0 u-tilde_(j_max-2) c + (-2 - diags(2,j_max-1)/diags(1,j_max-1)) u-tilde_(j_max-1) c + ( 1 - diags(3,j_max-1)/diags(1,j_max-1)) u-tilde_(j_max) c = - b(j_max-1)/diags(1,j_max-1) c c so we get: diags(1,j_max)=-two-diags(2,j_max-1)/diags(1,j_max-1) diags(2,j_max)=one-diags(3,j_max-1)/diags(1,j_max-1) diags(3,j_max)=zero b(j_max)=-b(j_max-1)/diags(1,j_max-1) c Now let tridia solve this system: call tridia(j_max+1,diags,b,sol) c Put the solution found by tridia into array u-tilde: do 2700 j=0,j_max utilde(j,l)=sol(j) 2700 continue 3000 continue c Compute the u^(n+1) values in the PR method for each vertical c line j=constant in turn: do 4000 j=1,j_max-1 c Put the coefficients of the boundary condition at y=0 (l=0), c u_0^(n+1) = given (taken here from u_exa) c in the array diags, and the right hand side in array b: c Zero the coefficient of the nonexisisting unknown at l=-1: diags(1,0)=zero c The coefficient of unknown u_0 itself, as above: diags(2,0)=one c The coefficient of u_1, which is not there: diags(3,0)=zero c The right hand side: b(0)=u_exa(x(j),y(0),t,c_x,c_y) c Put the coefficients of the finite difference equation, c (1/(dt/2) + c_y d/dy) u^n+1 = (1/(dt/2) - c_x d/dx) u-tilde c in the array diags, and the right hand side in array b: do 3500 l=1,l_max-1 c The coefficient of u_(l-1): diags(1,l)=-c_y/(two*dy) c The coefficient of u-tilde_l: diags(2,l)=two/dt c The coefficient of u-tilde_(l+1): diags(3,l)=c_y/(two*dy) c The right hand side: b(l)=two/dt*utilde(j,l)-c_x/(two*dx) & *(utilde(j+1,l)-utilde(j-1,l)) 3500 continue c We do not have a boundary condition at y_max, so we c make one up: we approximate u-tilde_(l_max) by linear c extrapolation from u-tilde_(l_max-1) and u-tilde_(l_max-2): c c u-tilde_(l_max) = 2 u-tilde_(l_max-1) - u-tilde_(l_max-2) c c This produces the equation: c c 1 u-tilde_(l_max-2) -2 u-tilde_(l_max-1) + 1 u-tilde_(l_max) = 0 c c Unfortunately, there is no way to accomodate the coefficient c 1 of u-tilde_(l_max-2) in diags. To fix this up, we c can substract a multiple of the second-last equation, c c diags(1,l_max-1) u-tilde_(l_max-2) c + diags(2,l_max-1) u-tilde_(l_max-1) c + diags(3,l_max-1) u-tilde_(l_max) c = b(l_max-1) c c Clearly, the multiple to substract to eliminate the 1 is c 1/diags(1,l_max-1). That gives the combined equation: c c 0 u-tilde_(l_max-2) c + (-2 - diags(2,l_max-1)/diags(1,l_max-1)) u-tilde_(l_max-1) c + ( 1 - diags(3,l_max-1)/diags(1,l_max-1)) u-tilde_(l_max) c = - b(l_max-1)/diags(1,l_max-1) c c so we get: diags(1,l_max)=-two-diags(2,l_max-1)/diags(1,l_max-1) diags(2,l_max)=one-diags(3,l_max-1)/diags(1,l_max-1) diags(3,l_max)=zero b(l_max)=-b(l_max-1)/diags(1,l_max-1) c Now let tridia solve this system: call tridia(l_max+1,diags,b,sol) c Put the solution found by tridia into array u: do 3700 l=0,l_max u(j,l)=sol(l) 3700 continue 4000 continue c Find u^(n+1) also on the left and right boundaries j=0 and j=j_max: do 4100 l=0,l_max u(0,l)=uleft(l) u(j_max,l)=two*u(j_max-1,l)-u(j_max-2,l) 4100 continue c Perform output if n+1 is an integer multiple of n_out1: if(mod(n+1,n_out1).eq.0) & call out(j_dim,l_dim,j_max,l_max,c_x,c_y,x,y,t,n+1,u) c Go compute the next time plane, if any: 5000 continue stop end