EML 4930/5061 Analysis in M.E. II 04/29/14
Closed book Van Dommelen 12:30-2:30 pm
Show all reasoning and intermediate results leading to your answer, or
credit will be lost. One book of mathematical tables, such as Schaum's
Mathematical Handbook, may be used, as well as a calculator and one
handwritten letter-size single formula sheet.
- (20%) Solve the following PDE and boundary condition for
using the method of characteristics:
Clean up your answer! Very neatly draw a set of characteristics to
fully cover the complete time range, with 5 or 6 characteristics in
each subrange. Shade the regions in which the initial condition
does not fix the solution.
- (20%) Use D’Alembert to find the deflection
of the
of a string of length 2:
if the initial string deflection and velocity are
In two very neat graphs, show the initial conditions extended to all
that make the boundary conditions automatic. Evaluate the exact
. Make sure to explicitly list the value of each
term in the expression for it. Exact value only, fully simplified.
- (20%) Use the Laplace transform method to solve the following
problem with a stabilized forcing at the end:
are positive constants and
is a given
function. Clean up completely. The argument of
in your answer
should be a single variable. No funny singular functions in your
Use only the attached Laplace transform tables unless stated
otherwise. List the items in the tables used. Use only one table
item in each step you take! Use convolution only where it is
- (40%) Use separation of variables to solve the following heat
conduction problem in a bar with linearized radiation:
where the initial temperature is zero and the end temperatures are
as shown:
Show all reasoning. Show exactly what problem you are solving using
separation of variables. Fully explore all possible
At the end, write out the fully worked out and fully simplified
solution completely, with all parameters in it clearly identified.
The professor should be able to simply take your final expressions
and put them in a computer program to plot the solution without
having to find stuff elsewhere.
Table 1:
Properties of the Laplace Transform.