353 Pennell Circle, Apt.2
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Phone: (904)580-5154(Home) (904)644-5108(Work)
Fax: (904)644-1127
World Wide Web:
Extensive Experience in Materials Design, Characterization and Testing
- Materials Design and Development
- Designed a two-phase (gamma+beta) Ti-Al-V alloy where the phase transformation
toughening has resulted in a two-fold increase in toughness relative to the single-phase
(gamma) titanium aluminide intermetallic alloy.
- Developed and manufactured a novel 6063-based deformed aluminum alloy which has
superior deformation property (awards).
- Produced Al-Li (RE) alloys using molten salt electrolysis method which has
minimized significantly the oxidation loss of Li (RE) metals.
- Developed a new type of (Rare Earth metals based) modifier for casting Al-Si alloys.
- Designed casting technologies of cast iron and steel parts.
- Materials Microstructure Characterization
- Gained extensive experiences in the metallographies of casting (Al-Si, iron and steel),
deformed (Al 6063 and Al-Li), superplastic (Al 8090 and Ti-6Al-4V) and intermetallic
(TiAl) alloys.
- Identified phases and structures using DSC, X-Ray Diffraction and TEM/SED (in
Ti-Al-V, TiAl, Al 8090, Al 6063 and Al-Si alloys).
- Conducted fracturegraphy studies using SEM/EDS (in Ti-Al-V, TiAl, 6063 and
Al-Si alloys).
- Material Property Testing
- Conducted strength, fracture toughness and hardness tests (in Ti-Al-V and 6063 alloys).
- Conducted oxidation and corrosion resistance measurements (in 6063 alloy).
- Conducted bi-axies (cone) superplastically forming (SPF) and uni-axis constant
strain-rate tensile test (in Al 8090, Ti-6Al-4V and Gamma TiAl alloys).
Extensive Research on Materials Modeling Covering Three Hierarchical
- Atomic Scale
- Conducted extensive computer simulations of crystal defects (grain boundary,
dislocation and vacancy) and phase transformation using Molecular Statics/Dynamics.
- Simulated crack-tip material evolution in single phase (Fe-Ni and Ti-V) as well as
two-phase (gamma-TiAl matrix+beta Ti-V dispersion) alloy systems.
- Studied extensively materials fracture process and martensitic transformation
toughening (crack-tip blunting) using Molecular Dynamics simulations.
- Quantified the toughening effect by evaluating the J integral in an atomistic crystal
under transforming.
- Microstructural (Grain) Scale
- Conducted grain-level micromechanical modeling of superplastic behaviors.
- Simulated microstructure evolution (grain boundary sliding) in superplastic alloys.
- Continuum Scale
- Possessed a solid background in fracture mechanics continuum analyses.
- Solved interface crack problems for two-phase anisotropic materials using Finite
Element Analysis.
- Evaluated materials toughness in two-phase anisotropic materials.
- Gained strong ability in materials thermodynamics and lattice dynamics calculations.
- Clemson University, South Carolina, U.S.A.,PH.D., 1996 in
Mechanical Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering,
(GPA: 4.0/4.0)
- Jilin University of Technology,
Changchun, China, M.S., 1987 and B.S. 1984 in Materials Science and
Engineering, (GPA: 85/100). Was the youngest freshman in the university
(15 years old, 1980).
- Research Associate (8,1996-Present)
Advanced Mechanics & Materials Laboratory (AMML),
Tallahassee, Florida.
- Research Engineer (8,1987-12,1992) Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy
of Science, Changchun, China
Advanced Mechanics & Materials Laboratory (AMML),
Tallahassee, Florida.
High-Temperature Processing and Structure
Characterization of Ti- and Al- Alloys (Supported by U. S. Army
Research Office and Pratt & Whitney,
related paper: number 1-4 in "REFEREED PUBLICATIONS IN
- Performed bi-axis (cone) superplastically forming (SPF) and uni-axis (MTS) constant
strain-rate tensile tests (in Al 8090, Ti-6Al-4V and Gamma TiAl alloys).
- Studied microstructure evolution and effects on superplasticity of Ti-based and Al-based
alloys using Nikon Optical and Environmental SEM/EDS.
- Developed micromechanical models and predicted successfully the superplastic behaviors
in conventional and high strain-rate, single and two phases superplastic materials.
- Conducted computer simulation of grain boundary structure and sliding (GBS) in
metallic (Al-based) and ceramic (TZP) superplastic materials.
RESEARCH ASSISTANT (1,1993-8,1996) Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina.
Dispersed-Phase Transformation Toughening of Gamma Titanium Aluminide
(Supported by U. S. National Science Foundation, related papers: 5-16)
- Experiment
- Designed and prepared two phase (beta+gamma) Ti-Al-V by casting and heat treatments.
- Identified the phases and structures in these materials using a ZEISS optical microscope,
a Scintag XDS 2000 X-Ray Diffractometer and a Hitachi 600AB TEM with SED.
- Conducted microhardness, tensile and three point bending tests on a computer
controlled Instron Test Machine and fractography on a JEOL 848 SEM with EDS.
- Computer Simulation
- Developed crack displacement, stress and J integral solutions in an anisotropic
(atomistic) material and solved interface crack problems for two-phase anisotropic
materials using Finite Element Analysis (including the use of ABAQUS software).
- Simulated crystal defects (dislocation, grain boundary, surface and interface), phase
transformation and crack-tip transformation toughening using Molecular Dynamics.
- Quantified the toughness by evaluating the J integral in an atomistic crystal under
transforming using Fracture Mechanics Continuum Analyses.
RESEARCH ENGINEER (8,1987-12,1992) Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China
Industry-based Research on Design and Manufacture of Nonferrous Casting and
Deformed Alloys (Supported by National Science and Technology Commission,
and The Chinese Academy of Sciences, related papers: 1-9)
- Led a technical team to accomplish an industry-based project: Design and
manufacture of a novel 6063-based aluminum alloy (1992 National Third Class
Invention Award).
- Designed new (RE contained) additives and related techniques for melt treatment of
nonferrous alloys (National First Class Award for Significant Contributions to
Advanced Science and Technology).
- Prepared Al-Li, Al (Cu)-RE (RE: Rare Earth metals) master alloys using
molten salt electrolysis and applied in commercial nonferrous alloys.
- Conducted in situ microstructure analysis and property test in industry scale
melting, extruding and molten salt electrolysis.
- Studied porosity, impurity, fractography (SEM) and DTA and XPS analyses of
oxidation and corrosion resistance.
RESEARCH/TEACHING ASSISTANT (8, 1984-8, 1987) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University of Technology, Changchun, China
Research on Modification of Al-Si Casting Alloys (Supported by The Chinese
Academy of Sciences, related papers: 10-15)
- Determined the microdistributions and contents of trace elements (modifiers) in Al-Si
alloys using electrolytic separation, radioassay and autoradiographic techniques.
- Investigated the modifier effect on the morphologies of Si phases using SEM.
- Determined the orientation relationships between eutectic phases using TEM/SED.
Taught laboratory courses: Metallurgy and Materials Property Testing (8 weeks)
TRAINEE ENGINEER (1,1984-8,1984) Jilin University of Technology/Foundry Factory,
First National Automobile Company, Changchun, China
Industry Training in Technology of Metals, Metallurgy and Casting
- Designed the Casting and Machining Technologies of a cast steel automobile part (project).
- Designed a Vacuum Casting Technology of a cast iron heat-resisting grid (project).
- National Invention Award, Third Class,1992, National Science and Technology
Commission, China.
- National Award for Significant Contributions to Advanced Science and Technology,
First Class, 1991, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
- Extensive experiences in programming using FORTRAN, C, Maple and Matlab.
- Very familiar with UNIX WorkStation, Silicon Graphics Indigo, Silicon Graphics
Power Challenge Supercomputer, Macintosh and MS-DOS systems.
- Familiar with ABAQUS Package in FEM calculation and AutoCAD in design.
- Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
- American Society for Metals (ASM International)
- P. Dang and N.Chandra, "Atomistic Simulation of Grain Boundary Structure, Energy
and Sliding", Submitted for publication in Materials Science and
Engineering A, September, 1997.
- P. Dang and N. Chandra, "Application of
Micromechanical Model to Dual-Phase Superplastic materials",
Accepted for publication in Acta Metallurgica, October, 1997 (in print).
- N. Chandra and P. Dang, "Application of Micromechanical Model to high Strain-Rate
Superplastic materials", Scripta Metallurgica, 1333-1338, 36 (1997).
- N. Chandra, J. Rama, and P. Dang, "Application of Micromechanical Polycrystalline
Model in the Study of Threshold Stress Effect on Superplasticity",
Materials Science and Engineering A,
134-143, 231 (1997).
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Transformation Toughening in the
Beta-Ti-V Systems, Part I: Finite Element Analysis of a Crack
Touching the Interface", Journal of Materials Science, 4865-4874, 32
- P. Dang and M. Grujicic, "Transformation Toughening in the
Beta-Ti-V Systems, Part II: A Molecular Dynamics Study", Journal of
Materials Science, 4875-4887, 32
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Dispersed Ti-base B.C.C. Beta Phase
Transformation Toughening of Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Intermetallics",
Materials Science and Engineering A,
187-199, A224 (1997).
- P. Dang and M. Grujicic, "The Effect of Crack-tip Materials Evolution on Fracture
Toughness-An Atomistic Simulation Study of the Ti-V alloy System",
Metallurgica et Materialia, 75-87, 45 (1997).
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "A Molecular Dynamics Study of Transformation
Toughening in the Gamma TiAl/Beta Ti-V System", Materials Science and
Engineering A, 109-125, 219 (1996).
- P. Dang and M. Grujicic, "A study of Crystal Defects Effect on the Martensitic
Transformation in Ti-V B.C.C. Beta Alloy", Modeling and Simulation in Materials
Science and Engineering , 123-136, 4 (1996).
- P. Dang and M. Grujicic, "Atomic Simulation of Crack-tip Transformation in Ti-V beta
Alloy", Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 59-64, 35 (1996).
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Atomic-Scale Analysis of Martensitic Transformation in
Titanium Alloyed with Vanadium -- Part I: Verification of the EAM Model", Materials
Science and Engineering A, 139-152, 205 (1996).
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Atomic-Scale Analysis of Martensitic Transformation in
Titanium Alloyed with Vanadium -- Part II: Molecular Dynamics Study", Materials
Science and Engineering A, 153-165, 205 (1996).
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Computer Simulation of Martensitic Transformation in Fe-
Ni Face-Centered Cubic Alloys", Materials Science and Engineering A, 194-204, 201
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Molecular Dynamics/Embedded Atom Method Simulation
of Crack-tip Transformation Toughening in Fe-Ni Austenite", Materials Science and
Engineering A, 173-182, 199 (1995).
- M. Grujicic and P. Dang, "Assessment of Thermodynamic Properties of Alloys by
Combining the Embedded-Atom and the Quasi-harmonic Method", Calphad, 105-117,
19 (1995).
- L. Wang, P. Dang, F. Du and M. Zhao, "Effect of Rare Earth Metals on Microstructure
of Directional Solidified Al-3% Li Alloys", Journal of Rare Earths (English Edition),
198-201, 12 (1994).
- P. Dang, L. Zhao, H. Lu and D. Tang, "Effect of Rare Earth on the Microstructure and
Properties of Pure Copper", Rare Metals (English Edition), 277-280, 12 (1993).
- P. Dang, L. Zhao and G. Hu, "Effect of Rare Earth on Anti-Oxidation of Copper",
Journal of Applied Chemistry, 111, No.4, 9 (1992).
- P. Dang, M. Zhao, K. Chang, X. Lu and F. Du, "Modification of the Microstructures
of Al-3%Li Alloys", Rare Metals (English Edition), 272, No.4, 10 (1991).
- P. Dang, Q. Han and W. Du, "Microdistribution and Function of Rare Earth Metals in
Al-Si Alloys", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Rare Earth
Development and Application (English), Beijing, China, May 27-31, 1991.
International Academic Publishers, Vol. 1, 317.
- P. Dang and M. Zhao, "Design and Manufacture of a New Type Al-Mg-Si Aluminum
Alloys", Rare Earths, 49, No.3, 11 (1990).
- P. Dang, M. Zhao and S. Guan, "Influence of Rare Earth Metals on the Microstructures
and Properties of Al-Mg-Si Alloys", Journal of Rare Earths, 154, No.2, 8 (1990).
- M. Zhao, P. Dang and X. Gang, "Distribution and Function of Rare Earth Metals in
6063 Aluminum Alloys", Journal of Rare Earths, 59, No.3, 7 (1989).
- S. Guan, P. Dang and M. Zhao, "Improvement of the Corrosion Resistance of 6063
Aluminum Alloys", Journal of the Chinese Corrosion Society, 154, No.4, 9 (1989).
- P. Dang, W. Du and Q. Han, "Electrolytic Extraction and Radioactive Measurement of
Cerium Contents in Various Phases of Al-Si Alloys", Rare Metals, 246, No.3, 13
- W. Du, P. Dang, Z. Cao and Q. Jiang, "Influence of Modifiers on the Nucleation and
Growth of Silicon Phases in Al-Si Alloys", Proceedings of the First International
Conference on W-Ti-RE-Sb (English), Changsha, China. International Academic
Publishers, 1251, Vol.2 (1988).
- P. Dang, W. Du, Q. Jiang and Q. Han, "A TEM Study on the Orientation
Relationships between Eutectic Si and Eutectic alpha-Al phases in Al-Si Eutectic
Alloys", Journal of Rare Earths, 41, No.4, 6 (1988).
- W. Du, P. Dang and Q. Han, "Autoradiography Study on the Inhomogeneity of Trace
Modifier in Al-Si Alloys", Journal of Rare Earths, 59, No.3, 6 (1988).
- P. Dang, W. Du and Q. Han, "Study on the Iron-contained Impurities in Casting Al-Si
Alloys", Rare Earths, 43, No.1, 9 (1988).
- P. Dang , Q. Jiang, W. Du and Q. Han, "Combined Ce and P Modifications of Al-
20%Si Alloys", Rare Earths, 22, No.6, 8 (1987).
- P. Dang and N. Chandra, "Atomistic and Micro-Continuum Modeling of High-
Temperature Deformation Mechanism", ICES'97, May 1997.
- N. Chandra and P. Dang, "Numerical Modeling of Superplastic deformation
Mechanism", Materials Science Forum (Proceedings of 1997 International
Conference on Superplasticity), vol. 243-245, 1997, p.53-58.
- N. Chandra and P. Dang, "Modeling of Superplasticity at three scales", Australia,
July, 1997.
- "Computer Simulation of Material Microstructure Evolution", Supercomputer
Computations Research Institute, The Florida State University, March 7, 1996.
- "Computer Simulation of Fracture Process in Alloys", Department of Mechanical
Engineering, FAMU/FSU College of Engineering, The Florida A&M University,
The Florida State University, September 17, 1996.