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GBS in (14) boundary (Figure 9)

0.3truein The energy profile of another boundary: (14) during GBS shown in Figure 9 is very different from that of (21) boundary, though they have the same value. As can be seen from Figure 2, any CSL cell has two parameters: aCSL and bCSL. A CSL grain boundary can be formed with its interface along either aCSL edge or bCSL edge, and both these two boundaries have the same value. In general, aCSL and bCSL are not equal to each other, and also the atomic arrangements along these two CSL edges are different. Therefore, the GBS process along one CSL edges can be expected to be different from the other, as shown in Figures 8 and 9. In the latter case, there are many energy barriers, and thus the GBS process in this case is expected more difficult than the earlier one.

Ping Dang
Wed Mar 12 14:52:36 EST 1997