0.3truein Molecular statics and molecular dynamics are widely used in performing atomistic simulations.
Molecular statics is used in determining the equilibrium positions of atoms in a crystal, by minimizing the
total energy of the crystal at 0 K. The interatomic potential which prescribes the interactions between atoms is a
necessary input for the simulation. An accurate and relatively simple model of the energetics is required so that a
sufficiently large set of atoms can be considered in the computational crystal.
Pair potentials were generally used for modeling grain boundaries
in earlier works [e.g. 4, 5, 6].
The main limitation of the pair potential models is that they fail to take into account the metallic bonds, i.e.
coordinate-dependent or many body interactions. In contrast, EAM interatomic potentials include in an implicit way the many-body
effects, and have been proven to be more reliable in representing
atomic interactions in metallic systems [7, 8].
EAM accounts for many-body effects, yet does not require significantly
more computational effort than the
simple pair potential models. The basic equations of the EAM are:
where Etot is the total energy of an assembly of atoms, Ei is the internal energy associated with atom i, is the electron density
at atom i due to the rest of the atoms in the system, is the energy to embed atom i into the
electron density , is the two-body pair potential between atom i and atom j separated
by the distance rij, and f(rij) is the contribution to the electron density at atom i due to atom j at the distance
rij from atom i.
In order to apply the EAM, functions F, f and must be
Oh and Johnson [9] have presented an analytical EAM model for close-packed metals. In their model, these
functions are given by:
Here re is the equilibrium interatomic separation distance, rc is the cutoff distance, fc(r) and
are cutoff functions to ensure f(rc)=f'(rc)=0 and ,
which provides a smooth cutoff at the cutoff distance rc.
, , , fe, , a, b, and n are EAM parameters to be determined by fitting above
EAM functions to materials properties (cohesive energy, elastic constants, and vacancy formation energy etc.). For
aluminum these constants are: , , , , a=-4.8144, b=0.47685
and n=0.39948. The parameter fe need not be specified since only ratios of occur in equation (4).
Figure 1 shows the f(r) and of aluminum as a function of the separation distance r between two atoms. Both of the functions smoothly reach to zero at cutoff distance (). Also shown in Figure 1 is the total energy of an atom as a function of its nearest neighbor distance r in a perfect crystal calculated from equation (2). The second and higher order neighbor distances and the number of neighbors at each r is determined according to the FCC arrangement of aluminum crystal. Neighbors beyond the cutoff distance (rc) are not included in the model. It can be seen from Figure 1 that the equilibrium structure of a perfect Al crystal is obtained at r=2.86 (or lattice parameter 4.05 , which exactly matches the measured lattice parameter). As seen from the figure an interatomic distance of r in either direction of re (r<re or r>re) would result in a higher energy state. In order to obtain the equilibrium structure and compute the energy, the EAM model described above was incorporated in a DYNAMO program developed at the Sandia National Laboratory Livermore in which the conjugate gradient method is used to minimize the energy.