Inspired by NASA’s Artemis mission, Senior Design Team 502 seeks to design, fabricate, and fly a high powered rocket for the 2024 NASA Student Launch competition. The goals of this team, officially known as the Zenith program, are to make competition for the first time in school history, engage students of all ages in aerospace activities, and build the foundation for a successful aerospace program at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. This year’s rocket will safely fly and recover a 5lb payload, reaching an apogee of over 4000ft with dual-deploy capabilities. The launch vehicle features a fiberglass airframe, a SLS-manufactured nosecone and fins, and an avionics bay with full telemetry and GPS capabilities. This rocket represents the work of not just the senior design team, but the entire aerospace community at the college.
This year, Team 502 has completed a variety of deliverables for the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and NASA, as well as multiple launches at the SRA Rocket Ranch in Palm Bay, FL. Feedback on these milestones has been essential to the success of the team, and the team is currently working to perfect the full-scale vehicle for entry into the 2024 NASA Student Launch competition in Huntsville, AL.
The team designed a dual-deploy rocket, which is composed of three sections that are held together with shear pins. These sections are separated by a CO2 ejection system, which pressurizes sections at the appropriate time to eject the parachutes. There are altimeters on board which collect flight data, allowing for the team to analyze results of each launch and compare them to OpenRocket simulations of the vehicle.
Each component of the rocket was carefully selected to allow the team to make official launch in Huntsville, Alabama. Detailed design reviews can be found in the attached documentation, as well as data and results from each launch.
The team successfully completed the project proposal for the 2024 NASA Student Launch competition, gaining official entry. This document outlined the team’s basic vehicle design, launch procedures, and safety protocols.
Preliminary Design Review (PDR) was the first major NASA deliverable, demonstrating that the overall design meets all the requirements given by NASA. It gives detailed simulations, timelines, safety procedures, and costs for the project.
Critical Design Review (CDR) demonstrates that the design maturity is appropriate for full-scale fabrication. Here the team analyzes the results of their subscale flights and showcases the final design in great detail. This includes advanced CAD and simulation to prove that the vehicle is ready for full-scale, and provides an update of the budget and safety concerns.
Flight Readiness Review (FRR) will examine every aspect of any full scale flights to ensure that launches are safe, nominal, and predictable before flying in Huntsville. It will prove the operational viability of every component of the rocket.
All teams travel to Huntsville, Alabama to offically launch their vehicle.
The Post-Launch Assessment Review (PLAR) analyzes the official competition launch, such as subsystem performance and flight profile analysis.
Functional Manager
Project Advisor
Project Investor
Project Investors
Jacob is graduating with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in Spring 2024 and plans to earn his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering by Spring 2025. He is particularly interested in applying controls engineering to space exploration and aims to pursue this field after completing his master’s degree.
Nicholas Hux is a senior graduating with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in the Spring of 2024. He is very interested in thermal fluid systems and their behavior under different conditions. This passion stems from an overall love of rocketry. He plans to attend graduate school at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.