Team 517: Transportation of Heavy Loads on the Lunar Surface

The objective of this project is to design a device that will be capable of transporting a 300 lb load on the surface of the moon from the landing site to a habitation area to support NASA’s goal of lunar sustainability, development, and expansion within the Artemis Mission.

Marshall Space Flight Center

About the Project

The Hermes transport Vehicle is a concept vehicle design that facilitates the transportation of large cargo for the Artemis missions.

This is the Heavy Equipment Rover for Lunar Mobility, Expansion, and Sustainment (HERMES) ​

The Hermes transport vehicle is a cube shaped lifting device that operates by positioning itself over a standardized cargo and lowering a linear actuated platform with forks to lift and lock the cargo. The package is lifted approximately 4 inches off the ground, to allow Hermes to drive around and avoid collisions with the surface. Our one-twelfth scaled down model of Hermes is designed to demonstrate its lifting and moving ability. This model can carry 300 pounds of material and can move up to 4 kilometers per hour.

By designing Hermes the Team adresses the following targets and metrics:

  • The full scale model should be able to lift 1400 kilograms.
  • Hermes will coast at a speed of 6 kmh while fully loaded.
  • The final design should be compactible and relatively lightweight to accomodate for NASA rocket payload restrictions.

The team will produce a one-twelfth scale model of the full scale design which will focus on the lifting and transportation abilities of the Hermes vehicle. For the purpose of this project important design aspects like dust mitigation and automatization will be considered outside of the team's scope.

Future Work

Goals of the Hermes scaled model

These are the targets for our one-twelfth scale model of the Hermes Transport Vehicle.


Bearing Capacity Our scaled Hermes model should be able to carry a 300 pound load in its cargo area.


Movement Speed The model will reach a maximum velocity of 4 kilometers per hour while carrying the full load.


Body weight The structure, mechanical elements, and electric components should not exceed 175 pounds.

Design Portfolio

This section contains all pertinent documents created throughout the course of this project.

  • All
  • Design Reviews
  • Design Drawings
  • Team Pictures
  • Evidence Manual

Design Review 1

This is our first Design Review. Covering our project charter.

Design Review 2

This is our second Design Review. Covering our ideation process.

Design Review 3

This is our third Design Review. Covering the final concept selection process.

Design Review 4

This is our fourth Design Review. Covering our design improvements and stress analysis.

Design Review 5

This is our fifth Design Review. Covering our mechatronic system design and function iterations.

Current Evidence Manual

This is a reference manual for all assignments and documentation associated with the project. INCLUDES: Customer Needs, Functional Decomposition, Target Catalog, Target Summary, Concept Generation, Concept Selection, and Project Plan included

Hermes Priliminary Top View

This is a to-scale drawing to guide the design of the Hermes Vehicle

Project Charter

This is an updated Project Charter including the Project Scope

Stress Analysis - Bottom Structure

In this iteration of testing the bottom structure was loaded with 300 lbf at each corner with a margin of 4 times the practical load.

Stress Analysis - Full Frame Structure

For this analysis the top structure was loaded with a distributed load of 300 lbf on its upper surface. No additional margin was considered with respect to practical application.

Stress Analysis - Single Fork Arm

This is the stress analysis for the final version of our fork arm design. In practical application each arm should support up to 150 lbf. In this test a margin of 2 was used with each arm loaded with 300lbf.

Hermes Informational Poster

This is an informational poster created to highlight the targets and current state of the Senior Design project.

Hermes Operation Manual

This is the manual for the Hermes vehicle which details how to control and trouble shoot the rover.

Hermes Risk Assesment

This file details the safety expectations involved with the Hermes Transport vehicle.

Design Review 6

This is our sixth Design Review. Covering our final mechatronic system design and the four wheel drive system.

Hermes Poster Final Edition

This is the final edition of our Hermes Informational Poster for Senior Design Day.

Our Team

This is the 2022-2023 Hermes Senior Design Team 517 from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.

Cameron Barnes

Systems Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Department Cameron is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. She is interested in heat transfer and propulsion systems.

Cole Gutknecht

Materials Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Department Cole is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He is interested in fluid mechanics and aeronautics.

Tyler Ince-Ingram

Test Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Department Tyler is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He is interested in fluid mechanics and propulsions systems.

Rafael Meza

Dynamics Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Department Rafael is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He is interested in robotics and design of controlled systems.

Michael Wyrick

Design Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Department Michael is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He aspires to one day work in the design and development of armored vehicles.

Project Sponsors and Advisors

The 2022-2023 Hermes Senior Design Team 517 is sponsored by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.

Dr. Shayne McConomy

Teaching Instructor at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

Dr. William Oates

Cummins, Inc. Professor of Engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

Arthur Werkheiser

Deputy Branch Chief at Marshall Space Flight Center

Michael Zanetti

Planetary Scientist at Marshall Space Flight Center