The Innovation Park houses world record holding magnets within the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, commonly referred to as the MagLab. These magnets produce an enormous amount of heat and require an equally high amount of energy to cool. This makes the MagLab’s carbon footprint extremely large. Trane is the HVAC company that is responsible for cooling the MagLab. Team 517 will help Trane redesign the cooling system at the MagLab to lower the energy consumption and carbon footprint of the Innovation Park.
This team will accomplish this goal with two methods: cooling the magnets and sharing the MagLab’s cooling ability. Currently the magnets are cooled under the assumption they operate at full power. This is not the case. The magnets often use less power to run. The team will design a system that cools the magnets based on the percentage of power used. This will ensure the MagLab does not waste energy by overcooling a magnet; and the less energy the MagLab consumes, the lower its carbon footprint. When the magnets are not in use, the MagLab has a vast cooling potential sitting idly. The second way the team will reduce carbon emissions is using the MagLab’s idle cooling ability by sharing it with the rest of Innovation Park. A new building is coming to the park, and it will rely on the MagLab’s cooling capability for its air-conditioning. This team will design a way to transport the chilled water in the MagLab to the new building two hundred yards away. By relying on the MagLab’s chilling ability, the new building will consume far less energy. Running one system will use less energy than two, and the overall energy consumption of the Innovation Park will decrease thus lowering its carbon footprint.
The Evidence Manual is the written work for how we accomplished our project. It includes the Project Scope, Customer Needs, Functional Decomposition, Targets, and Concept Generation and Selection. You can download it here.
Design Reviews are a way to track the teams progress through the semester. Click on any of the buttons to download a Design Review.
Design Review 1 Design Review 2 Design Review 3 (First Semester Poster) Design Review 4 Design Review 5 Final Design Review
Our Bill of Materials list all the parts that were purchased for this project. Take a look below.
The project timeline is a tool we use to keep track of the project and deadlines. Check it out below.
The Operation Manual and the Validation Report are documents that describe how the cooling system and validation technique work. It can be used to recreate the team's work.
Operation Manual Validation Report
The poster is a summary of our project that we presented on Senior Design Day.
Senior Design Poster
Bianca is graduating in the Spring of 2022 and is
taking a gap year.
Finnbar is graduating in the Spring of 2022 and is
heading to Seattle Washington to work at Boeing.
Nicholas is graduating in the Spring of 2022 and is
commissioning into the United States Coast Gaurd.