Studying samples taken from a naked planetary core would be a boon to scientific progress. The asteroid Psyche may allow scientists a chance at these samples. Psyche’s discovery occurred in the mid 1800’s making it the 16th asteroid ever found. Scientists know little about Psyche but believe it is the core of an early planet torn apart by large impacts. A mission to collect samples from Psyche’s surface may be proposed in the future.
Our job is to design a storage unit to hold samples of Psyche’s surface. The unit must preserve the samples' original state for study on Earth. To do this, the unit must hold the samples and protect them from damage. Our design focuses on damage from vibration, impact, and shock, that might occur on the trip to Earth. Some sources of damage may include vibration when entering Earth’s atmosphere, and impact from landing on Earth.
The success of this project rests on two main objectives. First, the design of a storage unit. Since the budget did not allow for top-grade materials, we designed two units. A high-cost design for mission purposes and a low-cost design for prototype purposes. The mission grade version consists of high-cost parts, durable enough for use in space. The cheaper model proves the design works correctly. The second objective is to integrate with Senior Design Team 501’s sample collector. The two units mount side by side on a rover and work together to store core-drilled samples.
A challenging part of the project is lack of data on Psyche. Designing for the unknown makes one assume the worst and hope for the best. This forces us to design for all possible environments. Building in fail safes help ensure integrity, no matter what challenges Psyche presents.
.The objective for this project was to develop a storage system that accepts samples from an end-effector designed by team 501. Samples are to be stored and protected for analysis.
The future work for this project includes finalizing the PID controller for the spinning casstte. This will allow for the cassette to spin at exactly 60 degrees eliminating the steady state error found in the controller.
Coding of the integration of team 501 end-effector where we will establish coordinates for the sample tubes found in our container. These sample tube coordinates will then be relayed to the end-effector through the comuunication line. The end-effector will confirm the coordinates then begin to place samples within our stroage system. Sensors placed within the sample tube will detect when the sample has been fully inserted. Once an entire pie slice has be filled RoMSS will automatically spin 60 degrees to allow for another set of empty sample slots for the end-effector to fill. We continue this procedure until the entire storge system has been filled. The integration code also deal with coding the end-effector to turn our locking mechanism 45 degrees to lock RoMSS on the hypothetical rover.
Testing of the integration code to fix bugs and reduce error will be completed. This involves checking whether the sample coordinated line up correctly everytime. We will also test whether the end-effector can smoothly insert a sample. If a problem occur lubrication on the samples can be used to fix this issue.
We will need to complete a real life mission spec of the Rover Mounted Storage unit. The mission spec would explain what materials we would use to create RoMSS for a potential future mission to Psyche. All parts for RoMSS will be stated including how much money it will take to produce each part and how it will be manufactured. The total cost for each part will be calculated to conclude a grand total for the mission.
Marcus graduated with a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering in the spring term of 2021. Marcus has a passion for control systems, especially in Aerospace applications. He dreams of one day working alongside other engineers and scientist to explore the unknowns of space.
Rob graduated with a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering in the spring term of 2021. His primary engineering interest is in aeronautics. Post graduation from Florida State University, Robert plans to work in an environment that surrounds him by this interest.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
This work was created in partial fulfillment of the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Capstone Course “EML4552C′′. The work is a result of the Psyche Student Collaborations component of NASA’s Psyche Mission ( “Psyche: A Journey to a Metal World” [Contract number NNM16AA09C] is part of the NASA Discovery Program mission to solar system targets. Trade names and trademarks of ASU and NASA are used in this work for identification only. Their usage does not constitute an official endorsement, either expressed or implied, by Arizona State University or National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ASU or NASA.