2019 witnessed the inaugural entry of Seminole Coast in the RoboBoat competition held in Daytona Beach, Florida. The team, Seminole Coast, was comprised of students from both FSU-PC and GCSC.
While the team experienced success in the Static judging category, overall the boat did not meet performance expectations.
Taking the lessons learned during the 2019 competition, FSU Panama City Senior Design Team 511PC took on the task of redesigning the 2020 competition teams boat. By December 2019, the first prototype had been designed
Once an initial design was finished, the team focused on refining their ideas and began to plan for manufacturing. This included a trip to FSU Tallahassees HPMI facility.
Taking the advice of HPMI, the team created a mold for the 2020 boat out of styrofoam
Concerns over the spread of Covid-19 prompted the team to move to virtual classes. The project continued however, with each member working on an individual component.
With the start of the summer semester, the Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering roboboat senior design teams combined, bringing together hardware and software components of the project.
Working in small groups the team was able to finish the boat hull and test the software and power on the test boat.
Mechanical Design Lead
I am a local of Panama City. I graduated from Mosley High School in 2016. I assisted last year as the Boat Operator and one of the co-leads for software development while primarily focused on image and Lidar processing. This year I am continuing as the Boat Operator but am making a switch to Software Liaison and Mechanical Design Lead. As Software Liaison, I am working close to the software development team to make sure the hardware integration of sensors on the physical boat itself is functioning properly. As Mechanical Design Lead I am also in charge of producing the SolidWorks parts as well as manufacturing drawings.
Systems Lead
I was the team lead of RoboBoat last year and this year. As team lead, my focus has been on the systems engineering side of the project. For the senior design project, I have also been in charge of creating the website as well as a software team member. My interests lay in software, and I plan on attending University of Florida after graduation to study Controls.
Maritime Lead
I am a Panama City local who enjoys fishing, diving and sailboat racing. On the RoboBoat team I am working on the design, material selection and manufacturing of the boat
Software Lead
I am Mark Hartzog and I am currently studying to be an electrical engineer. My interest are primarily in robotics engineering and physics. I find that the more I learn about autonomous robotics the more I understand human behaviors that everyone takes for granted every day. Something as simple as perceiving the environment or walking around may take quite some time to program. This allows me to gain a whole new respect for both robotics and engineering.
Hardware Lead
Madison Penney was born in Nevada and grew up in Georgia. After graduating from high school in Georgia four years ago, she moved to Panama City, Florida. She is currently studying at Florida State University Panama City, majoring in electrical engineering. For the senior design RoboBoat 2020 project, she is the electrical design lead.
Sensor Integration Lead
My name is Peter Oakes. I am a senior studying electrical engineering at Florida State University - Panama City. For this project, my focus has primarily been the hardware, wiring, and the power system as a whole and how it works with the sensors.
July 2020