The modern battlefield is constantly changing to adapt to updates in technology available to the enemy. Recently, wars have displayed environments where targets are constantly moving. Soldiers continually refine their skills to improve readiness in combat. Advances in weapon training tools would help better train and prepare military members. Our design solves the problems that combat military members face. It offers a solution to soldiers by engaging interactive targets. Our project will help prepare a soldier in combat with its active, real-time simulation. It is important for military personnel to train in environments similar to what they would face in real combat. We achieved this by designing an innovative target that uses interactive silhouettes as a training tool. A few key constraints on this task included weight, an independent power source, and a compact design for easier transport. The basic procedure for our project works in three steps. First, the instructor enters the number of hits needed to finish each target. Second, the silhouette uses a sensor mounted on the target to hits. Receiving hit signals enables the software to count and compare with the entered values. Once a target is no longer a threat, an alert signals the user to engage other targets. With our advanced project we have developed information a soldier can receive to train better and come home safely.
Team 519 would like to thank Dr. McConomy, Dr. Oates, and Dr. Hooker for giving our team direction and advice throughout the design process. We would also like to give a special thanks to our sponsor Mr. Robert Potts for his mentorship and resources to properly complete the project.