The IEEE Southeast Con is a regional annual robotics competition that is hosted in Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The competition is scheduled from April 11 through April 14, 2019. The robotics competition for this year involves designing an autonomous robot that can clean up debris on a playing field. The debris are wooden cubes and plastic spheres. Points are gathered by completing orbits around the field, collecting the debris, sorting debris, and returning to the home base. Subsequent rounds are like the first, however another robot shares the field with the team, also attempting to gather the debris. The team has made their robot to be within the walls of the competition’s rules, while optimizing it to gather the most possible points. The robot follows a planned route to gather the objects, and if necessary, it will go off route to align with the debris. The robot uses two brushes, spinning inward to the center of the robot, to gather objects. Once the robot has consumed an object, then the object proceeds to the internal elevator. During this step, the robot sorts the debris into the sorting cube that has four color-coded cavities. After the robot has gathered all possible cubes and spheres, the robot performs counter-clockwise orbits until the last minute of the round. These orbits are vital to make up any loss points. During the final minute of the round, the robot places the debris into the proper color specific homes. Lastly, the robot returns home and raises the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering banner to inform the team that it has finished the round. The potential impact for this robot design is for public areas, gathering small-scale pieces of trash and sorting it by material.