The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the FAMU – FSU College of Engineering is looking to add a new attraction to the campus, an informational kiosk. The kiosk serves two purposes. The first purpose of the kiosk is to increase the flow of information. Surveys showed that a new way of spreading information was desperately needed. The second purpose is to serve as a fun interactive station. We want visitors, students, and faculty to be able to go to the kiosk to gather information quickly and enjoy their the interaction as they do so.
This project is Sponsored by the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Advisory Council.
This Kiosk Project, will become a multi-year project once implemented. So that software and features can be updated and added that will give users the best and most exciting experience.
© FAMU-FSU Interactive Kiosk Project. All rights reserved. | Photos by FAMU-FSU COE | Design by TEMPLATED.
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