September 2017
- Complete Proposal
- Select Competition Category
- Begin Background Research
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Sponsor: NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium
As part of the NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium (FSGC) Hybrid Rocket Competition, the FAMU-FSU Boosters team from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering are competing to build a rocket using a hybrid motor to achieve a maximum altitude of 2,000 feet. The Boosters team is participating in this competition to put all their learned academic engineering knowledge together and apply it to create a rocket to compete with other universities and community colleges. Other objectives of the competition include successful completion of a proposal submission, bi-weekly progress reports, a Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) and an Engineering Notebook containing software simulations and collected data. To meet the objectives mentioned above, the team has set forth the following goals: design the rocket, build and test prototypes, and revise the design to create a final hybrid rocket to compete in the NASA FSGC Hybrid Rocket Competition. We aim to demonstrate that an innovative rocket design, that meets all competition requirements, is achievable by the FAMU-FSU Boosters and other College of Engineering senior design or student groups such as AIAA in the future by winning the competition.