Team Members
Our team consists of 6 members each tasked with different jobs to fulfill for the completion of the Ergonomic Brassiere. The work distribution and leadership roles are assigned based upon the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. The goal was to have team personnel perform tasks in areas where they ten to excel in order for the best product to be delivered.
Rob McHugh (Secretary) Responsible for recording meeting minutes and uploading minutes for all meetings attended by IME Team 7. In meetings, we will follow the agenda set by the secretary.

Emily Singrossi (Administrative Correspondent) Responsible for the day-to-day correspondence between the sponsor, stakeholders, and any/all other parties involved in the success of the project. This includes organizing any/all meetings that are associated with IME Team 7 and any outside parties.

Allison Lopes (Analyze Phase Leader) Responsible for determining everyone’s role and contributions for the phase. The phase leader will then compile all documents and set a date(s) to practice the presentation. All documents will be due to the phase leader 24 hours prior to the scheduled practice presentation. All members will be expected to attend the presentation practice(s). Must hold everyone accountable in order to achieve/exceed team goals and expectations.

Jaime Guerra (External Correspondent) Responsible for coordinating any necessary events, communication, etc. that is outside the immediate surrounding area. This includes anything related to outside the perimeters of Tallahassee.

Forrest Misler (Data Analyst) Responsible for the acquisition, work, and analysis of any/all metrics and data that pertain to the ergonomic brassiere design. This includes, but is not limited to, the analysis of physical measurements, free body diagrams, visual prototypes, etc.

Nick Smith (Master Web Designer) Responsible for the creation and upkeep of the IME Team 7 web page. Web page will include all information revolving around the ergonomic brassiere design including current updates, analysis, future plans, etc.