1. Read the user manual for the SAR Imager project to download and set up the version of Xilinx Design Suite needed for this project. 2. transmitrecieveswitches just has the timing and the a/d code with pushbuttons correct. Start scratch for coding VGA code in this file. 3. transmitrecieve switches_DEMO was file used for Senior Design demonstration. Use this as reference, not as a place to start. 4. VGA code is a file for VGA code and display 5. Pulse_gen_toVGA is code for VGA code and display. 6. Four_AtoD and Four_AtoD-Copy have the correct A/D code with pushbuttons for display. Use as reference, since transmit recieve switches has this as well. Older Code 6. PulseGenStateMachine and PulseGenStatemMachine_COPY is code for two A/D's working. Only use as reference, since Four_AtoD has the problems fixed. Note: VGA display code is for a 640x480 display. The monitor used is the designated monitor next to the structure labeled SAR Imager. Truth Table for switches and transmit recieve combinations are in the milestone 7 report in the software design section.