FAMU/FSU College of Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering/

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Code of Conduct­1



Team #18(ECE)/27(ME): Mars Lander Robot Recharger


Names:   Dean Gonzalez

                Tyler Norkus

                James Whaley

                Itiel Agramonte

                Lucas Kratofil



Mission Statement

Team 18(ECE)/27(ME) is dedicated to overall project integrity, respect, professionalism, and ethical implementation of engineering methods. This requires each team member to hold themselves responsible for his own actions as well as the actions of the team as a whole.



Each team member is designated a role within the team based on ability and expertise.


Team Leader James Whaley

The team lead manages the team. He is responsible for developing the top-level timeline for the project and allocating team resources as necessary. The team leader approves all published documents and team decisions. The team leader acts first in the interest of the project and then the interest of the team. He is ultimately responsible for the planning and organization of team meetings and presentations.


Team members:

Financial Advisor/Secretary- Dean Gonzalez

This role is responsible for drafting budgets and allocating funds. All expenditures must be approved by the financial adviser. The role also includes the responsibilities of keeping meeting minutes and documenting all internal and external correspondence.


Lead ME: -James Whaley

This role is the technical lead for mechanical issues and decisions. The lead ME has the final say on mechanical design decisions. He will be aware of all aspects, options, and final decisions for all mechanical issues. This role is responsible for documenting not only the decisions made, but also all available options and arguments made in favor of each option.


Lead ECE – Lucas Kratofil

This role is the technical lead for electrical/computer issues and decisions. The lead ECE has the final say on electrical design decisions. He will be aware of all aspects, options, and final decisions for all electrical issues. This role is responsible for documenting not only the decisions made, but also all available options and arguments made in favor of each option.


Web Master – Itiel Agramonte/ Tyler Norkus

This role is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the team website, as well as the content presented on said website. He is responsible for updating the website regularly. The website is to include the project timeline, deliverable dates, and progress reports, as well as any other material left to the discretion of the Web Master.



All Team Members:

All team members are required to be in attendance at all team and adviser meetings, except where exempt. During group meetings individual responsibilities will be divided amongst team members. Each member is responsible for completing said tasks on time. All team members will remain available for contact by other team members, advisers, coordinators, and sponsors, and will respond to inquiries as expeditiously as possible.



Group members will remain available for contact through several modes of communication. Within the team, the primary medium will be SMS message. Externally, the primary modes of communication will be e-mail and telephone. The primary mode of content sharing will be a team DropBox account, and email where appropriate.


Team Dynamics and Decision Making

Members will respect the roles and expertise of fellow team members. Opinions from team members with specific expertise will hold more weight than those without such expertise. All decisions must be unanimous. When a unanimous decision cannot be reached the protocol stated in the ‘Conflict Resolution’ section will be followed. Team members will be respectful when giving criticism and civil when receiving it.



The team will follow the ethical guidelines in the NSPE code of ethics, outlined here:

Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.


Team members will remain aware of the ownership of all intellectual property and will, when necessary, sign and fully by abide by non-disclosure agreements.


Dress Code

For team meetings, dress code is casual. In general, appropriate dress code is left to the discretion of the individual team members. Exceptions include presentations and face to face communication with external contacts, i.e. sponsors. In these cases business casual to business formal will be acceptable and will be decided by the group in advance.  


Weekly and biweekly Tasks

Weekly and bi-weekly tasks will be determined during weekly team meetings. During these meetings progress on existing tasks will be discussed and deadlines will be evaluated. New tasks will be assigned based on these evaluations. In the event that deadlines are pushed back or tasks are not being completed on time, the team will discuss if resources need to be diverted or reallocated to keep on schedule. The team will remain cognizant of the overall timeline and all major deliverables and objectives.


Conflict Resolution

In the event of significant disagreement, the team will abide by the following chain of escalation. If disagreement cannot be resolved between members, the conflict will be brought to the attention of the whole team, after which a vote will take place. If a team vote does not resolve the conflict, the issue will be brought to the attention of superiors in the following order: ME Coordinator, ECE Coordinator, and Technical Advisers.


Statement of Understanding

By signing this document, the members of team 18(ECE)/27(ME) agree to abide by all of the above and will follow the code of conduct set forth by the group.



Name                                                               Signature                                      Date


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1.)    The top-level layout of this document was obtained from the template provided on the EML4551C blackboard in “Course Library/ Deliverables Information/ Code of Conduct/code_of_conduct template.doc”