Meeting Minutes:
Group Meeting 11
Meeting Date: 1-8-14
Meeting Time: 12:00-12:45
Members Present: All Members Present but Dean Gonzalez (excused absence for job, flying)
Group Meeting 12
Meeting Date: 1-10-14
Meeting Time: 12:00-1:30
Members Present: All Members Present
Worked on updating the Project Plans and Product Specs deliverable
Read through paper as group
Divided up sections to update
Compiled final document
Group Meeting 13
Meeting Date: 1-12-14
Meeting Time ME’s: 3:00-5:00
Meeting Time EE’s: 2:00-5:00
Members Present: All Members Present
ME Accomplishments:
Decreased length of lander plate from 8 in. to 2 in.
Developed new idea of removing the leaf spring system and using rigid plates with torsional springs at base instead.
Verified that rover roll pitch and elevation change would not have an adverse impact on the operation of new system.
The only possible problem with the new design is rover yaw affecting contact
The solution could be to place a gimbal type system (similar to a joystick) on the plate to allow for the desired degrees of freedom.
Theorized that best material construction of rover plates would be similar to lander plate (fiberglass structure with thin sheet of copper on contacting surface).
Identified problem with new design
If rover passed full contact point, the plates would separate
The solution is to put a weaker torsional spring on the lander plate, thus the two plates remain in contact at all times
Worked out height and extension from lander deck that the arm would need to have
Approximately 21 in. down and 2 in. away from deck
Upon review of Dragon Plate (material used for prototyping) dimensions and connections, it was determined that a 6 in. extension away from the deck would be needed in order for the modular clevis connections to be able to be used (since the connections themselves are around 2 in. long)
Talked about buying fiberglass kit at Home Depot to begin learning how to create fiberglass and how to set in mounting brackets
EE Accomplishments:
Lander Battery Charge Cycle Testing
Connected power supply, voltmeter, and ammeter to ATRV-Jr. batteries and performed a charge test, sampling voltage and current every minute.
Charge current stayed below 100mA. This is theorized because the batteries began at a low voltage (~10V) and the power supply was trickle charging until a safe charge where it could bulk charge. Additional testing is needed and will be completed in the following days. Much higher current will be needed to simulate actual charge current
Talked about possible methods of discharging batteries so that future experiments can be done
Solution 1: Use very low resistance resistors with high current to dissipate energy
Solution 2: Use approximately 4 high power light bulbs in series. It was determined that this would take around 8 hours to fully discharge the batteries
For the purposes of experimentation, the batteries will not need to be fully discharged, so the actual discharge time will be reduced significantly
Group Meeting 14
Meeting Date: 1-13-14
Meeting Time: 12:00-1:30
Members Present: All Members Present