Date: 10/31/2013
Project Title: Mars Lander Robot Recharger Students Names: Itiel Agramonte, Dean Gonzalez, Lucas Kratofil, Tyler Norkus, James Whaley Mentors/ Coordinator/ Sponsor: Dr. Moore, Dr.
Arora/Ivan Townsend, Michael Solomon |
1. Project Title: Mars Lander Robot Recharger |
2. Project Objectives/tasks
Breakdown: As stated in an e-mail from our sponsor: “NASA has an existing Martian Lander with several technologies on the deck. The Lander will generate power via a hydrogen fuel cell. This power needs to be transferred to excavators on the surface to charge batteries aboard excavators.” |
3. What was
accomplished the last two weeks on individual tasks- representative
supporting data/ documents The team worked together towards the decision of the connection between the lander and the rover. (Entire Team) A budget was developed to send to NASA, per their request. (Entire Team) The team began work on the arm design. (Dean, Tyler, James) The team began work on power transfer design and early prototyping. (Luke, Itiel). |
4. Summary of
problems encountered and actions taken (and by whom) There were not many problems encountered these past two weeks. The team is currently in communication with Ivan Townsend regarding questions which arise in design. (Entire Team) Faulty equipment in the senior design lab has consumed some extra time but has not affected the overall schedule.(Luke, Itiel) |
5. Attached Gantt
chart modifications and analysis if project is behind schedule and summarize
actions planned to overcome the problems) We are not behind schedule, but attached is the Gantt chart for the team work, as well as the individual task breakdown. |
6. Work planned for
the next period and the person(s) responsible: The team will continue working on arm design. (Dean, Tyler, James) The team will continue work on power transfer design. (Luke, Itiel) The team will create and present a presentation for the MEAC. (Tyler, Itiel, James) |
7. Open
comments/suggestions (Please feel free to include your private comments): |
Instructor assessment report and corrective action |