(Click on pictures to enlarge)
The final review for the ME senior design projects took place on Thursday April 18, 2013 at the Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy (AME) and High-Performance Materials Institute(HPMI) Centers in Tallahassee, FL 32310.
The Open House poster session was held on the same day at the AME Center.
The design teams made presentations in two parallel sessions between 8:45 am – 4:00 pm to a panel of judges composed of COE faculty and industrial representatives who came to evaluate the teams and the overall program:>
Greg Kostrzewsky (Cummins), William Bilbow (Turbocor), Robert Potts (Koyo), Kevin Walker (Unison Industries),Melissa Van Dyke (NASA), Roger England (Cummins), Tom Campbell (Harris),Lloyd Reshard (AFRL (retired)),Ron Francis (Navair), Reeshemah Burrell (NSF),Michael Solomon (QinetiQ North America),Todd Haywood (Elliot Group) and Dr. Kamal Amin (2012-13 Design Coordinator)
Following the presentations, the teams conducted an open house with project displays/posters at the College of Engineering. This was a venue for the entire college to see what the ME seniors had worked on during the capstone course, and also provided an opportunity for the judges and guests to further interact with the teams.
After the open house the students, faculty, and guests enjoyed social interaction with refreshments and snacks.
These pictures document the event, which was not only a lot of fun, but also an opportunity to share with the entire College and our industrial partners the pride felt by the ME Department in the 2013 graduating class.
Presentations and Open House at the College of Engineering
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Home Dr. C. Shih Dr. K. Amin College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Florida A&M University Florida State University