Concept Designs
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Gas compressors are used in the field of oil and gas to be able
to compress gasses into trucks or tanks. This makes the transportation or storage of gas much more feasible
by increasing the density making it possible to fit more gas into a smaller volume. The purpose of this project
is to design a valve to replace the valves being used now days. To achieve this, the valve must be designed around
a few parameters. The part must be reliable. It must work consistently between every open and close.
The valve must also be worth its cost. The lifetime of the valve is also critical. The valve must be able
to keep up with the lifetime of the current accepted valve. If the valve does fall short of this, it must be
able to be quickly and easily replaced or have a much larger flow rate to justify its lack of lifetime.
The valve must also be able to achieve or surpass the flow rate of the current valves. The larger the
flow rate, the more compressed gas produced within the same time period, the happier the customer.
FSU/FAMU College of Engineering |
Florida A&M University Florida State University | College of Engineering
2525 Pottsdamer Street, Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046
Phone: (850) 410-6161 | Fax: (850) 410-6546