First Staff Meeting:
- Guest lecture on Tuesday from Eglin AFB
- Deliverable: Needs Assessment / Project Scope
- Due Thursday 9/29/11
- Will be online
- Hardcopy must be turned in at CAPS
- Dr. Clark and Dr. Frank must sign off on deliverables
- Six Sigma certification classes will be given through Senior Design
- Good certification to have on resume
- It is suggested that group members meet twice a week
- Stay on status with NASA proposal to get into competition
- $4,000 has been given from N.S.G
- Still talking to F.S.G. about sponsorship
- Find out what we need to do to purchase materials and parts
- It will be posted on BB
- Deliverable criteria:
- Ones online are not absolute, amount of pages are not a constraint
- Must be original
- We can reference old ones but must submit our own
- Bullet form is good
- All staff meetings must be signed up for beforehand