Team Meeting:
- Staff meeting tomorrow at 2:40 PM
- Meeting next Thursday with Dr. Clark to brainstorm excavation system
- Need bios of everyone for the webpage, email them to Rob
- Shooting for presentation completion by November 13 at 9:00 PM
- Shannon and McKenzie will be looking into Bueller clock
- Group will be making its own encoders / CPU’s
- No longer using the Robotechs that we have
- In tomorrows meeting ask what next deliverable specifically needs to have
- Background of system
- Decision matrix
- Specifics of designs
- Excavation and control
- How in depth do we need to go with each
- Group is going to be ordering decoder chips with mounting plates and baby o’s this week
- Talk to Jae and get reference his coding for our system
- In tomorrows meeting ask:
- How we did on the last presentation
- What can be improved
- We will be shooting for after 3:00 PM for our next presentation
Staff Meeting:
- Presentation:
- No hands in pockets next time because it appears unprofessional
- Wasn’t balanced between the controller system and excavation
- Need to bridge the gap of controller system
- What it is
- How we will be testing it
- Need decision matrix
- Interim Desing Deliverable
- Definite controls design
- Definite excavation design
- Analysis method of controls system
- Experiments, simulations, etc.
- Design choices and analysis
- Bueller clock
- Methodology behind choosing system
- Must be validated by concrete evidense for the final presentation before the end of the semester
- Final presentation
- Final designs
- Validations of choosing those designs
- Risks involved
- We will be getting 30 minutes to give presentations from now on
- Upcoming presentation:
- First 2 slides will be background and problem statement
- All designs included, then choice of interim designs and why
- Calculation and analysis should be included in this presentation
- Focus on validation of designs
- Methodology
- Expected results
- Actual results if available
- Stability of the center of gravity with excavation
- What we anticipate the result will be and any problems we foresee or are having
- How control will be affected also needs to be included
- Six Sigma information / classes will begin in January
- IE led, open to all engineering students in Senior Design
- Take test upon completion of course to obtain certification
- Webpage must be up and running by November 17
- Team Evaluations will be available on BB shortly
Team Meeting
- Upcoming presentation execution ideas
- Matlab and ProE Simulations for different systems
- Get Jae’s Code
- Plots, pictures, and simulations to fill up 30 minute presentation time
- Diagram of how Hexcavator walks
- Top and side view, possible animation
- Subsystems:
- Power
- Control
- Excavation
- Locomotion
- Center of Gravity
- Communication
- *NOTE: refer to Shannon’s email for specifics of who is responsible for which parts
Team Meeting
- All slides submitted
- Presentation Practice
- Practicing again on Monday 11/14/11 at 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM
- Things to have done before next practice
- Slides edited
- Practice of your own slides
- Presentation is Tuesday 11/15/11 at 5:10 PM
Team Meeting
- Summary for Lunabotics Website will be written by Shannon
- Everyone needs slides / parts of deliverables submitted to group on or before the group due date
- If prior commitments need to be done, tell group but plan accordingly
- Dr. Clark would be good to use to check over presentations before we present next time
- We need to have discussions on presentations leading up to presentation date to cover bases on questions we could be asked.
- Ask for help if you do not know something
- Presentation specifics:
- No hands in pockets
- Make sure that you are paying attention when not presenting
- Ordering:
- decoder chips and clocks have come in
- encoders and mounting pieces have not come in
- Next deliverable:
- Things that are already complete will be in the background and intro section
- Why doing project, last year apparatus
- Frame, legs, etc.
- We will be doing sections on things that are still in design and testing phases
- Detailed description of parts
- Prototyping:
- How it works and why it’s a good fit
- What we chose and why
- Part numbers and specs
- Pictures, Flow charts, etc.
- Conclusions: challenges and their resolve. Expected results
- Materials being purchased and already purchased
- Decision Matrix?
- For next presentation:
- More pix, simulations and diagrams
- Individual parts in on time
- More practice and discussion to field question
- More extra slides with more substance to field questions
- Next meeting is Sunday at 12:00 PM
- Rob and Devin work on Simulink Simulation for Power
- Seth and Fadool: Motor spin at variable speeds with Buehler ring
- Shannon and McKenzie: Four Bar physical model of excavation
- What everyone is doing for Deliverable / Presentation:
- Seth and Fadool: Building Controls
- Shannon and McKenzie: ProE analysis and Excavation
- Devin: WiFly
- Rob: Power Systems
- Over Thanksgiving break everyone needs to have their parts done to be able to edit
- Meeting Sunday after Thanksgiving, all parts done, editing process begins
- 8:00 PM
Team Meeting
- Staff meeting Tuesday at 2:40 PM.
- Whoever sees the signup sheet first, secure that time and tell everyone
- Group meeting will be Tuesday at 6:00 PM instead of Wednesday
- Things that need to be done
- Excavation:
- Traceable path
- Add everything and correct densities
- COM with regolith
- Height, length, width measurement in ProE
- Mass total in ProE
- Torque and Force in ProE
- Drawing of all links
- Link redesign to cut down on material and physical model
- How and where excavation is attached
- Spec bearing/ bushing in English units
- Steel pins in English units
- Cost of materials
- Fadool: spec motors
- Devin and Rob: prototype of WiFly
- Seth: Mention in report that we don’t have the PC104 yet but Dr. Chuy recommended it
- Cite things in numeric
- For presentation and deliverable
- We must be very specific
- What we are using
- Why
- How
- What its made out of
- Where its going
- Physical representations
Team Meeting
- Waiting on WiFly for report
- Finalized degrees of when legs are on ground versus in air
- May want to put in circuit diagram in the report
- Dante will be able to work with that
- Control law flow chart for report is needed
- Possibly some graphs of curves as well
- McKenzie: talk to Dr. Hollis about how to get excavation arms analyses done
- Still need to spec excavation motors
- Bushings have been spec’d
- Slides need to start being made for presentation
- Sunday: All individual parts of presentation will be put together and worked on for possible Tuesday presentation
- Meeting time will be 4:00 PM
- Slides will be on the team duo sections we have done