Final Report:
- Due next Thursday by 11:59 PM
- Cover page needs a 3D Hexcavator image and Dr. Clarks name does not need the ME title
- Walk through presentation with professors, most notably Shih, will be next Tuesday at 5:30
- Dry run of open house presentation
- 25 minutes with 5 minutes questions also
- no need to dress up
- -Next Thursday ECE open house
- Need to have poster done
- Seth I dont know if there are any other specifics but if so please send out to the group
- Open house will be on Thursday April 12th
- AME or HPMI building and presentation will take place somewhere from 8:45-2:30
- 4:00-6:00 will be showing off prototype
- Poster and Operations Manual will be due the same day
- Guidelines for open house and Op Manual are going to be sent out
- 1 minute video is encouraged for presentation with us making comments while it is going
- Robot preforming a function during open house is encouraged if it is safe
- Final webpage will be due on April 12th