2012 Student UAS Competition
The 2012 AUVSI Student UAS competition is based on a fictional military mission. The broad mission of the UAS is to support a team of Navy Seals with intelligence surveillance and intelligence (ISR). The SUAS will complete a mission made up of several separate operations, all of which must be completed within a forty minute time frame.
The first operation is the autonomous navigation of the competition course. This operation includes the takeoff and landing phases of flight, waypoint navigation and an area search.
The second operation is ongoing target identification. The SUAS must be able to identify ground targets with five characteristics: shape, background color, orientation, alphanumeric, and alphanumeric color. The ground targets will be scattered along the competition course, and upon target identification, the image data and target location must be relayed back to the ground station.
The third operation is in flight re-tasking, where the flight plan of the UAS is modified by adding additional waypoints or adjusting the search area.
The goal of Team #14 is to design a relatively inexpensive SUAS that is capable of competing in this year's competition by fulfilling these mission requirements while maintaining the safety and integrity of our design and demonstrating the team's proficiency in mechanical, electrical and computer engineering.