Img. 1 Electric Ducted Fan

Img. 2 Ideally Ducted Fan
The Integration of Experimental Propulsion Systems in Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) project is sponsored by Eglin Air Force Base, specifically Lt. John Brewer. The project is based on the need to improve current MAV designs by using an electric ducted fan as the propulsion system. Electric ducted fans have the potential to be more efficient, capable of higher velocities, quieter, and safer than a basic propeller system. When coupled with a properly designed duct the improvement in performance of the MAV could be very significant.
The fuselage will be made out of carbon fiber composite because of its light weight and strength. There are many design issues that need to be handled in order to create a successful fuselage. How to divide the fuselage when manufacturing? How to seal it but still have access to all of the components? How to attach the components? How to run a wire through the fuselage from the battery to fan but not interfere with the flow in the duct? And many more questions.
The goal of the project is to design three MAVs. Once an initial design of the fuselage was created, the position of inlet and duct design was changed to arrive at the other designs. These designs will be tested to see which configuration of inlet position, and duct geometry will produce the best performance. The performance will be based on the efficiency and velocity achieved by the configuration as well as overall weight. The team will then decide on the 'best' MAV based on the performance and how well it meets the specifications.