About the ProjectCummins Inc. propsed the design problem of reducing the radiated noise from an engine cover. Vibrations have presented problems for engineers for many years, especially in modern times when dealing with oscillatory sysmtems like internal combustion engines. These vibrations lead to an increase in audible noise, damage to hardware, and a reduction in performance. The design proposed is for a thin, cost-efficient, and lightweight conrol deivce that utlizes both active and passive materials. The design should incorportae a degree of robustness to insure its ability to perform in the harsh environment of a diesel engine. The devise should also compliment the exsiting engine components in terms of mountability and space limitations depsite not being extensively model specific. Please visit the Deliverables Page for more information about each stage of the design. Everything from the project's presentations to videos are uploaded! Gear Cover Finite Element Analysis |