Project Name: NASA
Team #: 13
Meeting #: 3
Date: 9/12/2008
- This
was the first meeting with the sponsor.
- We
asked the list of questions that we had prepared at the previous meeting
- The
first half of the team meeting was with the sponsor,
the second half was the team discussing what to do with the recently
acquired information.
- We
were told that yes, we do need to make this robot to 2008 competition
standards and it should be able to “compete” in indoor tasks outlined in
the packets.
- Ie it should conform to size regulations. Also it
should be able to maneuver obstacles
- In regards to its autonomous abilities,
if we can get that done within time and budget it would be great, if not
its not as big of a deal
- Autonomous
abilities include its ability to maneuver itself, identify and retrieve a
target, and to leave and return to the same place after completing its
- In
reference to flapping wing components: if it is as all possible this is
- Rotary
would be okay if flapping wing will not be a functional or within budget
and time constraints
- A
small camera will be needed and should be able to be found within budget
- We
should explore all capabilities possible and cutout what is out of our
abilities and budget.
- We
should stick to as much off shelf as possible and the group later decided
to research all possibilities for buying and equipping or building and
equipping the robot and integrating as much technology as possible
- We
should use a priority rubric, schedule, and budget to make a decision on
what to make and present.
- When
making final decisions the group needs to think long term and short term
A list of research to discuss in a group member
We are going to split up the research and then meet again to
discuss what we have found: size, price, capability, and ease of use.