Microcontroller Programming
This page contains the program that was used on the microcontroller for the submersible robot. It should be noted that this program was meant to only serve as an example of what kind of programming can be done using the microcontroller. A copy of this program can be found here. The software package necessary to interface with the microcontroller is available at www.parallax.com.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' Senior Design Project ' Hardare Connection: ' P12--P15 control Value #1--Value #4 ' P1 connects to a reed switch (get 0 when closed) ' P2 connects to a solar pannel (get 1 when lighted) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Initialization and Variable Declaration i VAR Word 'Counter j VAR Word 'Counter k VAR Word 'Counter i=0 j=0 LOW 12 'Turn off Value #1 LOW 13 'Turn off Value #2 LOW 14 'Turn off Value #3 LOW 15 'Turn off Value #4 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Program starts
'8 hour delay GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15
DO IF (IN2=1) THEN 'Check the solar pannel, IN2=1 when receive light GOSUB P1 END 'Put CPU into low power mode until reset ELSE GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 'An hour delay
IF (i > 92318) THEN 'Adjust j according to value of i j=33 ENDIF IF (i <= 86879) THEN j=34 ENDIF IF (i <= 81455) THEN j=35 ENDIF IF (i <= 76020) THEN j=36 ENDIF IF (i <= 70619) THEN j=37 ENDIF IF (i <= 65186) THEN j=38 ENDIF IF (i <= 59727) THEN j=39 ENDIF IF (i <= 54328) THEN j=40 ENDIF IF (i <= 48876) THEN j=41 ENDIF IF (i <= 43459) THEN j=42 ENDIF IF (i <= 38042) THEN j=43 ENDIF IF (i <= 32587) THEN j=44 ENDIF IF (i <= 27188) THEN j=45 ENDIF IF (i <= 21761) THEN j=46 ENDIF IF (i <= 16310) THEN j=47 ENDIF IF (i <= 10887) THEN j=48 ENDIF IF (i <= 5449) THEN j=49 ENDIF IF (i <= 50) THEN j=50 ENDIF
DO UNTIL (j=0) i=i+1 j=j-1 HIGH 12 'Turn on Value #1 PAUSE 1000 '1 Second delay LOW 12 'Turn off Value #1 PAUSE 2000 '2 Second delay HIGH 13 'Turn on Value #2 PAUSE 1000 '1 Second delay LOW 13 'Turn off Value #2 PAUSE 3000 '3 Second delay LOOP
GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 GOSUB Time15 'An hour delay
IF (IN2=1) THEN 'Check the solar pannel GOSUB P1 END 'Put CPU into low power mode until reset ELSE HIGH 14 'Turn on Value #3 PAUSE 5000 '5 Seconds delay LOW 14 'Turn off Value #3 ENDIF
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Subroutine P1: turn on/off value #3 and #4 P1: HIGH 14 'Turn on Value #3 PAUSE 5000 '5 Seconds delay LOW 14 'Turn off Value #3 PAUSE 5000 '5 Seconds delay HIGH 15 'Turn on Value #4 PAUSE 5000 '5 Seconds delay LOW 15 'Turn off Value #4 RETURN
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Subroutine Time15: 15 minutes delay Time15: k=0 PAUSE 500 'Use when debugging DO UNTIL (k>=180) '5Sec*12*15=180 k=k+1 PAUSE 5000 '5 Seconds delay LOOP RETURN |