Testing Procedures



The following steps are used to test the critical current of the MSP-3 probe



A.           Remove probe from holder

B.           Use Lead 10-60/40 solder with a rosin core to secure samples in respective positions

C.          Record data needed as File Data for each sample

D.          Place probe vertically in dewar

- Caution – Allow for 1 Kelvin/second cool down rate.

- The probe has to be cooled from 289 K to 4.2 K


E.            Place recorded data in corresponding File Data folder of LabView

F.            Connect voltage with quick-connect set-up

G.          Choose Power On in LabView

- The power button should be green

H.          Switch current from off to on position

I.             Wait approximately five seconds

J.            Choose Run in LabVIEW

K.         A graph of volts/cm vs. current will be displayed.

L.           Once the graph shows a voltage reading the sample is finished.

M.        Select Stop in LabVIEW

N.         Repeat procedures C-K for all eight samples

O.         After testing of final sample select Power off in LabVIEW

P.           Remove probe from dewar

- Caution – Allow for 1 Kelvin/Second heating rate.

-  The probe has to be heated from 4.2 K to 289 K.

Q.         Remove samples from probe

R.          Replace probe to respective holding position.