Two tests were conducted during this phase of the project. The first test was the cryogenic test. This test was used to determine the flow rate and temperature profile exibited by the column during normal operation. In the cryogenic test, liquid helium was allowed to flow into the system via the Helium Conduit (HC). Once into the system, the extreme temperature of the column relative to the helium would cause the helium to vaporize and flow through a special chamber between the outer column wall and the diffusion jacket. The helium was captured upon its exit from the column test assembly.
Shown here an actual cryogenic test being conducted. The frosty vapor is liquid nitrogen used to cool the Cryostat Dewar. |
The Structural Test came after the cryogenic test. The structural test was used to determine the load baring capabilities of the column under compressing. For this test, all of the extras such as the flange, Heliumn Conduit (HC), CERNOX retainer, and tubes and tee fittings were removed. Several parts of had to be machined to adapt the column to the testing apparatus. The column was placed into the Hydraulic Test Machine. The machine then proceeded to compress the column over a period of time.
Shown here the hybrid column placed in the Hydraulic Test Machine |
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