This section details the process in which results from the two tests were analyzed. Subsequently, this section is divided into two sections. Section 1 containing details from the Cryogenic Test and section 2 explaining the the Structural Test.
Section 1: Cryogenic Test
After the test was conducted and data obtained and organized into the appropriate format...
A graph of the temperatures corresponding to the CERNOX, Cryogenic Linear Temperature Sensors (CLTS) and thermocouple versus time was produced. This graph demonstrated the temperature trends of each of the aforemention instrumentation. Next, a region a linearity inside of the Temperature vs. Time was determined. This region ideally represented a steady state temperature profile. Data points in this region are for our purposes uniform. Therefore, a single data point was arbitrarily picked to represent the entire region. From this data point, a Temperature Profile was constructed. This profile then lead to several calculations [1] the temperature gradient and [2] the heat flow through the column Q.
Section 2: The Structural Test
Upon the initiation of the test the column was subjected to 460 kPa every 3 seconds. During the conduction of the test a stress-strain graph was displayed, since it was important that the column remained within its elastic region the column would be loaded until a clearly linear region was displayed but would not exceed 2/3 of the yield strength of stainless steel. The goal of this test was to test the structural integrity of the dimpled jacket around the column, the purpose of the dimpled jacket was not only to aid in the heat transfer but to also add structural support. In order to determine the amount of support the dimpled jacket was actually supplying to the assembly, it was calculated using the following equation:
F = E (A(column) +CA(jacket))epsilon
where F is the force exerted on the assembly, E is the modulus of elasticity
of stainless steel, Acolumn is the cross-sectional area of the column, Ajacket
is the cross-sectional area of the dimpled jacket, C is the percentage coefficient
of structural support provided by the dimpled jacket, and is the strain on
the assembly. If the value of C is substantial then the jacket will have proved
to provide a sufficient range of support to the assembly, in the case that
this is not true then the design will have to be modified.
Thomas Adams Senior Mechanical Engineering Major from Bakers County, FL. Click for resume. |
Gabriel C. Andrews Senior Mechanical Engineering Major from St. Petersburg, FL. Click for resume. |
Regina Redmond Senior Mechanical Engineering Major from Deltona, FL. Click for resume. |
Without the help from the wonderful and dedicate staff at the Magnet Laboratory, the Hybrid Magnet Support Column project would not have been able to make the progress that it has made. A very warm and gracious thank you to everyone involved with a special thanks to the following persons.
Donny Richardson | |
Robert Stanton
George Miller | |
Mike Haslow | |
Dr. John Miller |
1. Instrumentation will be incorporated
into the new design to accurately measure the temperature gradient as well
as stress and strain characteristics applied by the hybrid magnet.
2. Cryogenic and mechanical tests of the support system design will follow
the instrumentation.
3. Analysis of the information will follow the results of the cryogenic
and mechanical tests to comment on the validity of the design and suggestions
will be made for design modifications.
Both the cryogenic and mechanical
tests will serve to produce data concerning the temperature gradient induced
along the support and the capability of sustaining loads attributed to the
hybrid magnet's weight.