The following pictures were obtained while the design came to life. (click on thumbnails to enlarge).

lastmotor.jpg (103043 bytes)motortop.jpg (111282 bytes)motorremoval.jpg (77724 bytes)

Pictures of electrical motor setup on car. Center picture is a top view.


axleproe.jpg (12799 bytes)hubproe.jpg (14473 bytes)assembleproe.jpg (34673 bytes)

Pro E drawings of all parts.


axle2.jpg (58832 bytes)hub2.jpg (48454 bytes)mockup2.jpg (66017 bytes)

All parts being manufactured and compared to actual drawings.



allside.jpg (49686 bytes)lockwasher.jpg (55095 bytes)topview.jpg (50968 bytes)backnut.jpg (61890 bytes)allparts.jpg (71973 bytes)backnut.jpg (61890 bytes)bearingin.jpg (54637 bytes)hubin.jpg (64542 bytes)

bearing2.jpg (64609 bytes)boltnuts.jpg (68361 bytes)clamp.jpg (54430 bytes)lockwasher.jpg (55095 bytes)nutassembly.jpg (59155 bytes)sideview.jpg (60136 bytes)topview.jpg (50968 bytes)axlefinish.jpg (67424 bytes)

axlehub.jpg (61675 bytes)axletestfit.jpg (63291 bytes)drillpress.jpg (60428 bytes)

All These pictures were taken while test fitting all the components.


danwheel2.jpg (70062 bytes)greasepacking.jpg (72723 bytes)greasepacking2.jpg (71148 bytes)greasepacking3.jpg (72932 bytes)innomockup.jpg (81294 bytes)innowheel.jpg (87902 bytes)

finalwheel.jpg (67513 bytes)finalincar.jpg (92299 bytes)

Pictures of final assembly and test fit in the car.