Lab Engineer


Home Laboratory Safety Experiment Intro Instructor Lab Engineer


Mr. Richard Crisler

"[ I believe ] that knowledge is the greatest gift that anyone can receive, and I will continually strive to ensure that the laboratory will provide the students a vehicle, with which they can use to traverse the road to understanding."

                    Mr. Richard Crisler joined the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering staff in October 2000 as the full-time laboratory engineer.  His responsibilities include: maintaining the laboratory experiments, making improvements to the lab, investigating the introduction of new experiments to the laboratory.  Mr. Crisler worked for five years as an analytical chemist specializing in the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile environmental contaminants using a gas chromatograph.  He also served fifteen years in the United States Army.  As the laboratory's engineer, he has been pivotal in aiding the students in the learning process.  Ultimately, Mr. Crisler hopes to make our laboratory the best in the nation.  


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