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Multiple integrals:
- Areas (cost, ...):

- Volumes (weight, ...):

- Centroids (center of gravity, center of pressure, ...)

- Moments of inertia (solid body dynamics, center of pressure, ...)

- ...
- Draw the region to be integrated over.
- When integrating, say
, you have to decide whether you want to do a, b, or c first.
- Usually, you do the coordinate with the easiest limits of
integration first.
- If you decide to do, say, b first, (
first), the limits of integration b1 and b2
must be identified from the graph at arbitrary a and c,
and are normally functions of a and c: b1=b1(a,c),
- After integrating over, say, b, the remaining double integral
should no longer depend on b in any way. Nor does the region of
integration: redraw it without the b coordinate. Then integrate over
the next easiest coordinate in the same way.
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