Complex Materials Design for Multidimensional Additive Processing (CoMand)
Promotes additive manufacturing of conventional and novel device structures.
The three thrust areas are:
- Nanostructured lightweight magnetic materials for shielding/sensing applications
- Nanostructured materials for energy applications, and
- Nanostructured materials for biological applications - such as a 3D printed tumor bio-system on a chip

Who can apply?
- Motivated graduate and undergraduate students who want a challenging and stimulating learning environment
- To participate, students must be enrolled at FAMU with a 3.0 GPA
- Students in chemical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical and computing engineering, pharmaceutical sciences, chemistry, physics, agriculture and food sciences.
- The program offers an eight week summer program in Boston in affiliation with Harvard/MIT. Students must have the ability for summer travel for this component.
- Participants must be women minorities, African-American and/or Hispanic
How to Apply?
- Prepare resume and electronic version of unofficial transcript documents prior to beginning the submission form.
- When you are ready to submit your resume and transcript, please complete the submission form.
Here is the link:
*Note: The submission form does not have a SAVE feature. It must be completed in one sitting. Have all documents prepared prior to starting the submission form.
Undergraduate & Graduate Research Opportunities
Space is the Place
The first project to be undertaken at the CoMand Center will be to develop an advanced material for applications in magnetic shielding. Engineered on a micrometer scale, the shielding material has the potential to be used to make radiation resistant wings for airplanes and space exploration vehicles.
The project is especially pertinent when considering FAMU’s existing agreement with multinational aerospace manufacturer Lockheed Martin.
Signed in November, 2016, the agreement sees the two parties working on NASA’s Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) Program and other Lockheed space projects.
CoMand Professors
Subramanian Ramakrishnan, Ph.D

Director of CREST CoMand
Professor in the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. Ramakrishnan’s studies the physics, chemistry and the processing of complex fluids (colloids, proteins, polymers and other “soft materials”) with the aim of producing useful materials for engineering applications and addressing the fundamental questions that arise in assembling them into useful structures.
Telephone: 850-410-6159
Tarik J. Dickens, Ph.D

Associate Director of CREST CoMand
Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Manufactuing Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and High-Performance Materials Institute, Florida State University. His research interests include focus on cradle-to-grave production of additively manufactured composite structures/tooling and systems integrastion for AM performance technologies.
Telephone: 850-410-6353
Mandip Sachdeva, Ph.D

Associate Director of CREST CoMand
Professor and section leader for pharmaceutics activity at Florida A&M, College of Pharamacy and is also a fellow of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists(AAPS). He has made significant contributions in the area of drug delivery with special emphasis in inhalation/aerosol delivery as applied to lung cancer and topical delivery of neuropeptides.
Telephone: 850-561-2790
Research Faculty

Dr. Nelly Mateeva

Dr. Satayanarayan Dev

Dr. Daniel Hallinan

Dr. Komalavalli Thirunavukkuarasu
CoMand Center Coordinator

Travis Shedrick
Current Scholars
Post-Doctoral Fellows

Dr. Arindam Mondal

Dr. Phong Tran
Graduate Students

Bobby Haney

Divya Bahadur

Roneisha Blakeney

Faheem Muhammed

Madhuparna Roy

Marquese Pollard

Mayowa Akintola

Ebony Nottingham

Aragaw Gebeyehu

Leeds Currie Hackman
Undergraduate Students

Caitlyn Fayed

Annie Scutte

Chayanne Burey

Donovan Carter

Jubrill Hall-Robinson

Jennifer Izaguirre

Kayla Oden
The CREST CoMand focuses on the additive manufacturing of conventional and novel device structures. Specifically, the effort towards ab-initio fundamental understanding of material-property relationships that govern the working forces behind high-rate applications for bio, energy and production of light-weight structures.
Our group is divided into three main sub-projects with a rich and overlapping set of interests:
The CoMand comprises of a truly interdisciplinary team of faculty from Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Biological and Agricultural Systems Engineering, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Physics. Collaborations with Harvard University (MRSEC), MIT, Florida State University (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory), Air Force Research Laboratory, Army Research Labs and Argonne National Laboratory play a key role in the center.

- Miranda MA, Marcato PD, Mondal A, Chowdhury N, Gebeyehu A, Surapaneni SK, Bentley MVLB, Amaral R, Pan CX, Singh M Cytotoxic and chemosensitizing effects of glycoalkaloidic extract on 2D and 3D models using RT4 and patient derived xenografts bladder cancer cells. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2021 Feb;119:111460. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2020.111460. Epub 2020 Aug 27. PMID: 3332159
- Rogowski, L. W., Ali, J., Zhang, X., Wilking, J. N., Fu, H. C., & Kim, M. J. (2021). Symmetry Breaking Propulsion of Magnetic Microspheres in Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Fluids (Feature Article). Nature Communications, 12, 1116. doi:
- Benhal, P., Quashie, D., Jr., Cheang, U. K., & Ali, J. (2021). Propulsion Kinematics of Achiral Microswimmers in Viscous Fluids. Applied Physics Letters, 118, 204103. doi:
- Ebony Nottingham, Elizabeth Mazzio, Shallu Kutlehria, Sunil Kumar Surapaneni, Ramesh Badisa, Mandip Singh Whole transcriptomic analysis to delineate major synergistic effects of methyl 2-cyano-3,11-dioxo-18beta-olean-1,12-dien-30-oate (CDODA-Me) and Erlotinib in (ERL) in ERL resistant NSCLC. Accepted, Journal of Pharmaceutical analysis, 20219
- Aragaw Gebeyehu, Sunil Kumar Surapaneni, John Huang, Vivian Ziwen Wang, Nana-Fatima Haruna, Arindam Mondal, Peggy Arthur, Shallu Kutlerhria, Mandip Singh. Characterization and printability of polysaccharide-based hydrogels to study self-assembly of tumor spheroids in cell culture models. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 11;11(1):372. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79325-8. PMID: 334319159
- Kommineni N, Nottingham E, Bagde A, Patel N, Rishi A, R S Dev S, Singh Mandip. Role of Nano-lipid Formulation of CARP-1 mimetic, CFM-4.17 to Improve Systemic Exposure and Response in Osimertinib Resistant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2021 Jan; 158: 172-184.9
- Role of Exosomes for Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Drugs. Aragaw Gebeyehu Nagavendra Kommineni, David G. Meckes Jr., & Mandip Singh Sachdeva. Critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems, in press, July 2021.9
- Liu, H.; Mulderrig, L.; Hallinan, D.; Chung, H., Lignin-based Solid Polymer Electrolytes: Lignin-graft-Poly(ethylene glycol). Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/marc.202000428. (Featured on inside cover of issue.)
- Akintola, T. M., Tran, P., Sweat, R. D., & Dickens, T. (2021). Thermomechanical Multifunc-tionality in 3D Printed Polystyrene-Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNT) Composites. Journal of Composites Science, 5(61).
- Jackson, S., Dickens, T., 2021. Rheological and structural characterization of 3D-printable polymer electrolyte inks. Polym. Test. 104, 107377.
- Nottingham, E., Sekar, V., Mondal, A., Safe, S., Rishi, A., and Singh, M. The role of Self Nano Emulsifying drug delivery systems of CDODA-Me in sensitizing Erlotinib resistant Nonsmall cell lung cancer. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020 Jun;109(6):1867-1882. doi: 10.1016/j.xphs.2020.01.010. Epub 2020 Jan 15. PMID: 31954111
- Tan, L., Ali, J., Cheang, U. K., Shi, X., Kim, D., & Kim, M. J. (2019). µ-PIV Measurements of Flows Generated by Photolithography-Fabricated Achiral Microswimmers. Micromachines, 10(12), 865. doi: 2020
- Nottingham, E., Sekar, V., Mondal, A., Safe, S., Rishi, A., and Singh, M. The role of Self Nano Emulsifying drug delivery systems of CDODA-Me in sensitizing Erlotinib resistant Nonsmall cell lung cancer. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020 Jun;109(6):1867-1882. doi: 10.1016/j.xphs.2020.01.010. Epub 2020 Jan 15. PMID: 31954111
- Kutlehria, S., Dinh, T. C., Bagde, A., Patel, N., Gebeyehu, A., and Singh, M. (2020) High‐throughput 3D bioprinting of corneal stromal equivalents. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
- Arthur, P., Patel, N., Surapaneni, S. K., Mondal, A., Gebeyehu, A., Bagde, A., Kutlehria, S., Nottingham, E., and Singh, M. (2020) Targeting lung cancer stem cells using combination of Tel and Docetaxel liposomes in 3D cultures and tumor xenografts. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 115112
- Parker Arnett1, Avra Kundu1 , Arvind Bagde , Nilab Azim , Mandip Singh and Swaminathan Rajaraman1. DLP 3d printed “intelligent” microneedle array (iµna) for stimuli responsive release of drugs and its in vitro and ex vivo characterization. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (accepted for publication, June 2020)
- Dickens, T. J., Kim, S., Wu, H., Devega, A., Sico, M., Fahy, W., Misasai, J., & Koo, J. H. (2020). Development of polyetherimide composites for use as 3D printed thermal protection material. Journal of Materials Science, 55, 9396–9413.
- Dickens, T. J., Akintola, M., Lucien, C., & Tran, P. (2020). Akintola, Tawakalt Mayowa, Phong Tran, Charissa Lucien, and Tarik Dickens. "Additive manufacturing of functional polymer-based composite with enhanced mechanoluminescence (ZnS: Mn) performance." (2020): 0021998320911975. Journal of Composite Materials, 1-8.
- Dickens, T. J., Roy, M., Tran, P., & Schrand, A. (2020). Composite Reinforcement Architectures: A Review of Field-Assisted Additive Manufacturing for Polymers. Journal of Composites Science, 4(1), 1-24.
- Dickens, T. J., Roy, M., Tran, P., & Quaife, B. (2020). Effects of geometry constraints and fiber orientation in field assisted extrusion-based processing. Additive Manufacturing, 32, 101022.
- Jawaid, A., Hassan, A., Neher, G., Nepal, D., Pachter, R., Kennedy, J., Ramakrishnan, S., & Vaia, R. (2021). Halogen Etch of Ti3AlC2 MAX Phase for MXene Fabrication. ACS Nano. doi:
- Zhang, Q., Dufresne, E., Nakaye, Y., Jemian, P., Sakumura, T., Sakuma, Y., Ferrara, J. D., Maj, P., Hassan, A., Bahadur, D., Ramakrishnan, S., Khan, F., Veseli, S., Sandy, A., Schwarz, N., & Narayanan, S. (2020). 20 ms-resolved high-throughput X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy on a 500 k pixel detector enabled by data-management workflow. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 28. doi:
- Haney, R., Tran, P., Koerner, H., Trigg, E., Dickens, T., & Ramakrishnan, S. (2020). Printability and performance of 3D conductive graphite structures. Additive Manufacturing.
- Haney, B., Werner, J., Weitz, D., & Ramakrishnan, S. (2020). Absorbent-Adsorbates: Amphiphilic Janus Microgels as Droplet Stabilizers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(29), 33429-33446.
- Benhal, P., Quashie, D., Kim, Y., & Ali, J. (2020). Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis: Micro, Nano, and Molecular Scale Biological Applications. Sensors, 20(18), 5095. doi:
- Mentor, J. J.; Torres, R.; Hallinan, D. T., The Soret effect in dry polymer electrolyte. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9ME00145J.
- Wang, G., Fiore, A.M. & Swan, J. S. (2019). On the Viscosity of Adhesive Hard Sphere Dispersions: Critical Scaling and the Role of Rigid Contacts. Journal of Rheology, 63, 229-245.
- Shallu Kutlehria, Arvind Bagde, Neal Patel, Mandip Singh, “Whole eye perfusion model for screening of the ocular formulations via confocal laser scanning microscopy, AAPS PharmSciTech 2019, AAPS PharmSciTech 20, 307
- Bahadur, D., Zhang, Q., Dufresne, E., Grybos, P., Kmon, P., Leheny, R., Maj, P., Narayanan, S., Szczygiel, R., Swan, J., Sandy, A., & Ramakrishnan, S. (2019). Evolution of structure and dynamics of thermo-reversible nanoparticle gels—A combined XPCS and rheology study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 151, 104902(1-17).
- Haney, B., Werner, J., Weitz, D., & Ramakrishnan, S. (2020). Stimuli responsive Janus microgels with convertible hydrophilicity for controlled emulsion destabilization. Soft Matter, 16, 3613-3620.
- Shan, X., Mao, P., Li, H., Geske, T., Bahadur, D., Xin, Y., Ramakrishnan, S., & Yu, Z. (2019). 3D-Printed Photoactive Semiconducting Nanowire–Polymer Composites for Light Sensors. ACS Applied Nano Materials. doi:
- Mondal, A., Gebeyehu, A., Mariza, M., Bahadur, D., Ramakrishnan, S., Rishi, A., & Singh, M. (2019). Characterization and Printability of Sodium Alginate-Gelatin Hydrogel for Bioprinting NSCLC co-culture. Scientific Reports (Nature), 9:19914, 1-9.
- Hallinan*, D. T.; Villaluenga, I.; Balsara*, N. P., Polymer and composite electrolytes. MRS Bull. 2018, 43 (10), 759-767, DOI: 10.1557/mrs.2018.212.
- Oparaji, O., Narayanan, S., Sandy, A., Ramakrishnan, S., & Hallinan*, D., Jr. (2018). Structural Dynamics of Strongly Segregated Block Copolymer Electrolytes. Macromolecules, 51 (7), 2591–2603.
- Frketic, J., Dickens, T., & Ramakrishnan, S. (2017). Automated manufacturing and processing of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites: An additive review of contemporary and modern techniques for advanced materials manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 14, 69-86.
- Haney, B., Chen, D., Cai, L., Weitz, D., & Ramakrishnan, S. (2019). Millimeter-Size Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Janus Micro-Particles. Langmuir, 35, 4693-4701.
- Harden, J. L., Guo, H., Bertrand, M., Shendruk, T., Ramakrishnan, S., & Leheny, R. L. (2018). Enhanced Gel Formation in Binary Mixtures of Nanocolloids with Short-Range Attraction. Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 044902(1-11).
- Vakil, P. N., Muhammed, F., Hardy, D., Dickens, T. J., Ramakrishnan, S., & Strouse, G. F. (2018). Dielectric Properties for Nanocomposites Comparing Commercial and Synthetic Ni and Fe3O4 Loaded Polystyrene. ACS Omega, 3, 12813-12823.
- Zhang, Q., Bahadur, D., Dufresne, E. M., Grybos, P., Kmon, P., Leheny, R., Maj, P., Narayanan, S., Szczygiel, R., Ramakrishnan, S., & Sandy, A. (2017). Universal Scaling of Quench-Dependent Dynamics in Intermediate Concentration Colloidal Gels. Physical Review Letters, 119 (17), 4.